Port McNicoll - cont'd. 14 shore by trains, and was wheeled out by barrows along floating runways. A b o u t 100 cu. yds. was required to ensure the stability of each crib before backfilling could be started. "In the winter, the site for a crib was first cut out of the heavy ice, which is often 27 in. thick at Victoria Harbour, and the hole then allowed to freeze thick enough to bear the weight of the sills. These were laid out on the thin ice and the building of the walls was continued. "The work of dredging on the crib sites was very carefully done. The time taken to build and sink one crib averaged nine days. The filling consisted entirely of sand, which was supplied by train filling after the crib had been sunk into its final position. "In addition to the principal structures mentioned, the C. P. R. is building a roundhouse, turntable, coaling plant, ice house, general offices, stores, passenger station and other buildings. All the necessary filling and grading of the large terminal yard has been done by trains. "The design of the elevator and its power plant, and details for the 11 / 2 mi les of wharves, were prepared by the John S. Metcalf Co. Ltd., Montreal, which also was the contractor for the flour and freight sheds and the wharf construction. The flour and freight sheds were designed by the C. P. R. en gineering department, the building details being worked out by the contrac t o r . The writer was resident engineer in charge of construction. "(Since the foregoing was put in type, the name of Victoria Harbour has been changed to Port McNicoll in honour of D. McNicoll, Vice President, C. P. R . )" * * * Ed. Note: In addition to the information contained in the narrative, we should note that the west side of the harbour, where the flour and freight sheds, as well as the passenger station and dock, were located, was origi nally the site of Labatt's Island and Double Island, both of which were ob literated in the dredging and landfilling operation. The article was written for "The Railway and Marine World" by G. G. Ommanney, Resident Engineer, Canadian Pacific Railway. It was provided to us through the courtesy of Mr. J. D. McCannell, brother of our late T. M. H. S. member, and Executive Committee member, R. T. "Scotty" McCannell, in whose memory we have reproduced it here. * * * * * SHOW AND TELL? Board Member Lorne Joyce, who has regaled us at many meetings with his hu mourous views of the shipping and fishing industries on Lake Ontario, past and present, and who is a devoted historian and collector of almost every thing, has made an interesting suggestion for the meeting scheduled for Friday, March 3rd. In an effort to promote member participation (always one of our goals), Lorne has suggested that members might like to bring to that meeting one or two interesting items from their collections, which they might show to the gathered members and describe for the benefit of all. We never have tried a theme such as this for a meeting, but we think it is a good idea. Lorne has volunteered to co-ordinate such an event and would appreciate having the comments of members. Please see Lorne at the next meeting and tell him whether you would be willing to participate. We look forward to your input towards this different idea for a meeting. We can tell you that meetings of this nature seem to be a great success at the gatherings of other non-marine historical groups, evoking considerable par ticipation amongst the members. And we are aware that many of our own mem bers have some very interesting (and portably small) items in their collec tions that we would all like to see. Let's do i t ! * * * * *