MONTHLY NEWS BULLETIN OF THE T O R O N T O M A R I N E H I S T O R I C A L S O C I E T Y VOL. XXII - NO. 4_______________________________________________JANUARY 1989 MEETINGS Friday, February 3rd - 8:00 p. m. at the Museum. Show and Tell - Marine Style. Members should bring an item of marine interest and be pre pared to talk briefly about it. Friday, March 3rd - 8:00 p. m. at the Museum. Al Sykes, co-author of Pulp & Paper Fleet, will present an illustrated programme entitled "A Brief Look at the Q & O Fleet". Please plan to attend. * * * * * * * THE EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK The December Meeting featured the third instalment of the reminiscences of Capt. John Leonard, the newest member of the T. M. H. S. executive committee. It was a fascinating evening, humourous and informative, and we thank John for sharing his memories with us. Please note that our "Show and Tell" evening has been moved up from March to February, in order to accommodate Al Sykes' presentation in March. This should not interfere with what we hope will be a great programme in which our members tell us a bit about some interesting marine object they have brought to the meeting. Please plan to attend and also to participate. As we enter 1989, we take this opportunity to thank all those who assisted us with "Scanner" in the past year. We appreciate those who wrote or phon ed to relay marine news to us, who provided information for feature arti cles, or who assisted in assembling or distribution of our publication. Without you, "Scanner" could not exist, and we are grateful indeed for all your efforts. In the New Member Department, a hearty welcome goes out to Douglas Bell of Hamilton, and to Jack Case of Seaforth, Ontario. * * * * * * * AFFILIATED WITH THE M AR IN E M U S EU M OF UPPER C A N A D A ISSN 0318-014X