M O N T H L Y NEWS BULLETIN OF THE T O R O N T O Executive C om m ittee M A R I N E H I S T O R I C A L SOCI ETY Editor Jay N. Bascom 100 Whitehall Road Toronto, Ont. M4W 2C7 J .H. Bascom Jay N. Bascom David Bull Roger Chapman Lorne Joyce Capt. J. Leonard G. Turner W. R. Wilson VOL. XXII - NO. 1 OCTOBER 1989 MEETINGS Friday, November 3rd - 8 : 0 0 p. m. at the Museum. John MacKay of Port Elgin will present a programme, the first half of which will feature a trip from Detroit to Expo 67 and return in SOUTH AMERICAN. The se cond part of the show will illustrate trips on the various ships of the Owen Sound Transportation Company Ltd. Friday, December 1st - 8 : 0 0 p. m. at the Museum. Programme to be announced. * * * * * * * THE EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS FOR THE 1989-1990 SEASON ARE NOW DUE AND PAYABLE. Our new season begins in October and we hope that all of our members will r e new for the coming year. Fees are now $18.00 per annum and, as we cannot mail out individual billings, we would appreciate your early remittance addressed to our Chief Purser, William R. Wilson, 173 Glenrose Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4T 1K 7 . In most cases, membership cards will be mailed with the next "Scanner" after fees are received, so please check the enve lope carefully. THIS IS THE LAST ISSUE THAT WILL BE SENT TO THOSE WHO DO NOT RENEW. We sincerely thank those who already have paid their dues. Won't you please join them if you have not already done so? Thank you. Our twenty-second volume of "Scanner"... It seems as if it were only yes terday that Ye Ed. took over the editorial duties. One of the reasons that it has been so much fun is the assistance of all those members who have kept us supplied with news, features, photos, suggestions, trivia, encour agement, etc. We appreciate hearing from you, whether by mail or phone, and we hope that we will hear from even more of you in the year ahead. In the New Member Department, a hearty welcome goes out to Larry Partridge of Toronto, and to Sterling P. Berry of Grosse Pointe, Michigan. * * * * * * * AFFILIATED WITH THE MARINE MUSEUM OF UPPER CANADA ISSN 0318-014X