THE ANATOMY OF A PASSENGER STEAMER In the Mid-Summer issue, we noted the fortieth anniversary of the loss of the Canada Steamship Lines passenger and package freight steamer NORONIC, and in a subsequent item we described four-cylinder, triple expansion en gines of the type placed in NORONIC. We thought that readers might be inte rested in a rather complete description of the construction of NORONIC, as it appeared in the July, 1913, issue of "Canadian Railway a n d M a rine World". "The steamship NORONIC, which was launched at Port Arthur, June 2, and which will run between Sarnia, Port Arthur, Fort William and Duluth, will be the largest passenger vessel on the Great Lakes. Her principal dimen sions are as follows: Length overall, 385 feet; Length between Perpendicu lars, 362 feet; Breadth moulded, 52 feet; Depth moulded, 28 3/4 feet. "The hull is built on the Isherwood system of longitudinal framing. The frames, instead of running transversely, as in ordinary ships, run fore and aft or longitudinally, and are supported by large plate web frames, fitted transversely, spaced ten feet apart. This construction is very much strong er than the old system and is lighter, thus gaining in carrying capacity and speed. A double bottom is fitted 4 3 / 4 feet deep, extending the full length of the vessel, and the hull is divided by eight watertight transverse bulk heads into nine compartments. Two collision bulkheads are fitted forward. "There will be six decks, all being made of steel, as follows: Main, spar, promenade, observation, boat and hurricane deck. The entrance hall or lob by will be on the main deck, the side walls will be panelled with quarter ed oak, with interlocking rubber tiling floors. The main stairway will lead to the social hall on the spar deck, and the office will be on the port side. This office is to be fitted similar to that of a large hotel, where clerks will be on duty at all times. There will be 151 staterooms on this deck, and it will be well equipped with lavatories, bathrooms, barber shop, etc. The main corridors of the spar deck will be finished in white enamel, with the social hall panelled in quartered oak. "The promenade deck will be panelled throughout in mahogany. At the forward end will be the drawing room, fitted with comfortable lounges upholstered in Spanish leather. Aft of the drawing room will be ten en suite cabins, furnished in mahogany. These rooms will be fitted with brass beds and each will have a private bathroom attached, finished in white tiling. The smo king room, at the after end, will be finished in fumed oak. There will be 70 ordinary staterooms on this deck. There will be a wide promenade extending completely around the vessel. The distance around will be about 889 feet. "The observation deck will contain the observation room, dining room, kit chen, store rooms and refrigeration rooms. The Observation room, at the forward end, will be 14 0 feet by 38 feet, panelled in quartered oak. The floor will be waxed oak for dancing. The observation room will be divided from the dining room by folding glass partitions, and an orchestra stand will be built at this point, so that the music may be used for dancing or the glass doors may be folded back for the dining room. The dining room will be 180 by 50 feet, with a seating capacity of 286. The side walls will be panalled in mahogany, the tables and chairs will be of mahogany, and the ceiling will be enamelled white, with raised ornamental figures. The electric lighting will be indirect, large bowl fixtures being fitted over each table. Fireless cookers will be fitted at each table for the purpose of keeping vegetables, etc., warm. The kitchen will contain ranges, steam ta bles, plate warmers, broilers, electric toasters, egg boilers, dish wash ers, etc. The refrigeration rooms will contain separate compartments for meats, fruits, butter and eggs, fish, and an ice making room. The cooling system will be a 12-ton daily capacity, carbonic anhydride machine. "The boat deck will be finished throughout in quartered oak panels, and a large dome skylight will be fitted overhead extending the full length of the cabins. There will be 48 staterooms on this deck, together with large public lavatories. The officers' quarters and pilothouse will be located