13. LAY-UP L I S T I N G S - WI N T E R 1990-1991 With this issue, we begin our compre h e n s i v e lay-up report for the current winter. We have cov ered as many ports as it was possible for us to do with the ma te ri al su bmitted by our readers. In the March issue we will attempt to complete the listing with any additional ma terial or corrections The fo llo win g ma jor BAIE ST. C A N AD IA N CA NA DI AN CA NA DI AN CONGAR PAUL N A V IG AT OR PR OS PE CT OR RANGER com me rc ia l ve ssels are laid up at T O R O N T O this wi nte r METIS M U R R A Y BAY S TE P H E N B. ROMAN S. M . T . B. NO. 7 (bunkers ST EL LA DESGAGNES EN GL IS H RIVER HOCHELAGA JA D R A N (restaurant) M EN IE R CONSOL (drydock) barge) for the In addition, the fol lo wi ng other vessels are in port, some laid up winter, while others are op e r a t i n g r e g ularly or intermittently: BA GO T V I L L E A L G O N Q U I N QU EEN (Q. C . Y . C. ferry), AU R O R A BOREALIS (excursion), (tug), BLUE CHIP VII (excursion), BOBBY BOWES (tug), CAROLYN JO (tug), CH AL LE NG E (sail excursion), C O LINETTE (tug), DIVER 3 (workboat), DU CH ES S V (tug), ELSIE D. (R. C . Y . C. tender), EMPIRE SANDY (sail e x c u r s i o n ) , EMPRES S OF CA NA DA (excursion), E S P E R A N Z A IV (R. C . Y . C. tender), CAPT. M A T T H E W F L I N DERS (excursion), G A L A C T I C A 001 (excursion), GLENMONT (tug), H . M . C . S. H A I D A (Ontario Place museum), NED HA N L A N II (tug), H I A W A T H A (R. C. Y . C. ferry), W I L L I A M INGLIS (Island ferry), I- WY-SEA (I. Y . C. ferry), JAGUAR II (excursion), JUBILEE Q UEE N (excursion), KENN E T H A. (tug), KLANCY II (excursion). K WA S I N D (R. C. Y . C. ferry), LOIS T. (workboat), WM. LYON M A C K E N Z I E (firetug), M APL E CITY (Island Air port ferry), M A R I P O S A BELLE (excursion), SAM McBR I D E (Islands ferry), MISS TO RO NT O (excursion), MI- T O I - T U (excursion), MM 262 (barge), NAOMI II (workboat, former fishtug), NELV A N A (excursion), O N G I A R A (Island ferry), OR IOL E (excursion), P. & P. 1 (Metro Parks Workboat), P A T H FI NDER (sail training), PIONEER PRINCESS (excursion), PLAYFAIR (sail training), PRIDE OF TORONT O (excursion), PRINCE II (I. Y . C. ferry), PROGRESS III (derrick barge), THOMAS RE NNIE (Island ferry), W I L L I A M REST (tug). HA RO LD S. ROBBIN S (Q. C. Y . C. tender), S. A. Q UEE N (barge, former salvage tug), STE. MA RIE I (excursion), SAUK (former U . S . C . G. tug), FRED SC ANDRETT (tug), SHIPSA NDS (excursion), SHOWBOAT ROYAL GRACE (excursion), GL ADYS M. K. WAYNE SI MPSON SI MP SO N (excursion), HAR V E Y H. SIMPSON (excursion), (excursion), MISS KIM SI MPS ON (excursion), MISS SHAWN SI MPSON (excursion), (derrick barge), TORONTONIAN STELLA BOREAL IS (excursion) T. H . C. 50 ferry steamer), VU L C A N II (excursion), T R I LL IU M (e x c u r s i o n / I s l a n d (excursion), DOC W I L L I N S K Y (I. Y . C. ferry), WI ND M I L L POINT (Island Airport spare ferry), YA NK EE LADY (excursion), YANKEE LADY II (excursion). From this listing, it will be seen that the e x c u r s i o n / p a r t y boat fleet To ronto Harbou r is even larger than ever. The list may begin to shrink the rec es si on and overkill take their toll... The fo llo win g hi sto ric hulls may be seen in Toronto Bay and environs: in as BLU EB EL L - former ferry steamer (and older n e a r - sister of TRILLIUM), hull now lying dereli ct inside the tip of the Leslie Street H e a dland (Tommy Th om ps on P a r k ). DOUGL ASS H O U G H T O N - freighter, now b r eakwater at Ontario Place. RAPIDS QU EEN - former pas senger steamer, now brea kwater at Queen City Yacht Club, Algonquin Island (and re adily ph o t o g r a p h a b l e from the Ward's Island f e r r y ) . H O W A R D L. SHAW - freighter, now brea kwater at Ontario Place. VI CT O R I O U S - freighter, now brea kwater at Ontario Place; pilo thouse and texas on shore east of Cherry Beach as clubhouse for sailing club.