M O N T H L Y NEWS BULLETIN OF THE T O R O N T O Executive C om m ittee J. H. Bascom Jay N. Bascom David Bull Roger Chapman Lorne Joyce M A R I N E H I S T O R I C A L S O C I E T Y Editor Ja y N. Bascom 100 W hitehall Road Toronto, Ont. M 4 W 2C7 Capt. J. Leonard G. Tu rn er W. R. Wilson VOL. XXIV - NO. 7 M E E TINGS A P R I L 1992 Saturday, Ma y 9th - Annual Dinner Meeting. Please * * * * * * * THE EDITOR'S N O T E B O O K refer todetails below. Our March Me et i n g featured "Modern Se l f - U n l o a d e r s and The Ports They Visit", an ill us tr at ed programme pre s e n t e d by Capt. Alain Gindroz. We were treated to one of the best p r e s entations we have seen in many years, with Alain's e x c e l lent p h o t o gr ap hy i l l u strating the different types of self-unloaders , the d e tails of their internal workings, and m any of the strange "ports" they are requir ed to service. We are most grateful to Alain for the effort which he put into prep aring this, his first public presentation, and we hope that he will do another programme for us sometime in the near future. The Annual Dinner Meet i n g will be held on Saturday, May 9th, inthe " Ca p tain's Quarters", aft on the upper deck of JADRAN, which is moor ed on the east side of Toronto's Yonge Street slip. (Parking is available in either of two lots located im m e d i a t e l y east of the s h i p . ) The bar will open at 6 : 00 p. m., and dinner will be served at 7: 00. Our Speaker will be K. Corey Keeble, of the Royal Ontario Museum's European Department, who will present "The D i s c o v e r y of R. M . S. TITANIC", an i l l u s trated lecture detailing the construction, launch, mai d e n voyage, loss and eventua l r e d i s c o v e r y of the infamous White Star Line passenger steamer. Tickets will cost $ 2 7 . 00 per person and guests will, as usual, be welcome. Please send your early r emittan ce to Wi lliam R. Wilson, 173 Glenrose Avenue, Toronto, Ontario MAT 1K7. When reserving, it is important that you specify whether you wo uld prefer a fish or chicken dinner, as either will be available. Tickets will be held at the door for all those who have reserved. AFFILIATED WITH THE M AR IN E M U S E U M OF UPPER C A N A D A ISSN 0318-014X