Editor's Notebook - c o n t 'd . 2. Apologies for De cem ber : We would be remiss if we did not apologize to the members for the appearance of the December issue. We take great pains to lay out "Scanner" so that the page spacing will be just right, both t o p t o b o t t o m and side-to-side, and on both sides of each page. Unfortunately, however, somebody at the print shop that does the main body of "Scanner" took it upon himself, no doubt with the best of intentions, to "improve" on our spacing. The front page was a disaster, and the inside pages were only marginally (! ) better. Unfortunately, there was insufficient time to have the issue reprinted, and so we had to let it go out as it was. We hope that our members were not too awfully offended by the appearance of the issue, and that they will accept our assurances that the printers will not permit another such aberration. Stormy W e a t h e r : Remember that in case winter weather may appear to threaten any of our meetings, members may telephone the Programme Chairman, Gordon Turner, at (416) 762-3130, on the day of the meeting to confirm whether the meeting will proceed. * * * * * WINTER LAY-UP LISTINGS When we were preparing the December issue, we intended to include a note asking members to send us winter lay-up listings for inclusion in the Feb ruary and March issues, but in the last-minute rush towards our printing deadline, the notice was omitted. But that does not mean that we don't need the assistance of the members in preparing this annual feature. We DO need you! Please go to your nearest port, make an accurate list of the vessels winter ing there, and send it to us as soon as possible at the address shown on the cover of this issue. In addition to large commercial vessels, you may include tugs, ferries, dredges, etc., but if you do, please be sure to iden tify them as such because some of them may not be familiar to us. We are in particular need of reports for the U. S. ports on Lake Erie, including Cleve land and Buffalo, and also the ports of Lake Michigan. Because time may be short once you read this request, and we need to have the information by January 27th latest, you may phone your report to the Editor any evening at (416) 921-8436, or you may fax it to his office at (416) 730-3913, being sure to put the Editor's name prominently showing as addressee. We thank you for your assistance with this annual project. * * * * * GORDON HUNT It is with regret that we advise our members of the sudden passing, on October 17th, 1994, at St. Cloud, Florida, of longtime T. M. H . S. member Gordon Hunt, at the age of 73. An avid yachtsman, Gordon even went so far as to have a yacht (the Y O R K SHIRE LASS) especially built on the east coast by a builder of tradi tional wooden boats. For years, he divided his time between his yacht and his home on Toronto's Ward's Island, latterly spending summers at Brighton and then Rockwood, Ontario, and his winters in Florida. He was a supporter of the Toronto Marine Historical Society for many years, as he enjoyed an interest in all things marine. We shall miss Gordon, and we extend our deepest sympathy to his wife of almost 51 years, Catherine, and to the family. * * * * *