M O N T H L Y NEWS BULLETIN OF THE T O R O N T O Executive C om m ittee J. H. Bascom Jay N. Bascom David Bull Roger Chapman Lorne Joyce M A R I N E H I S T O R I C A L SOCI ETY Editor Capt. J. Leonard G. Tu rn er W. R. Wilson TMHS J ay N. Bascom 100 W hitehall Road Toronto, Ont. M 4 W 2C7 VOL. XXVII - NO. 9___________________________________________ MID-SUMMER 1995 MEETINGS Friday, October 6th - 8: 00 p.m. at the Museum. Annual Autumn Slide Night. Members are invited to bring up to fifteen slides each to illus trate their summer ship-watching activities. We welcome all pho tos, however wild, but would ask that presenters keep their slide descriptions very brief so that everyone's photos may be shown. * * * * * * * THE EDITOR'S LOGBOOK We trust that the summer was an enjoyable one for all members, despite the unusually hot and humid weather, and that they did not miss "Scanner" too much during Ye Ed's summer break. The respite from the typewriter has been most welcome, but now here is the Late-Mid-Summer issue, and the Oc tober issue will not be far behind. Our sincere thanks to all those members who kept us supplied with marine news during the summer months. MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR THE 1995-1996 SEASON ARE NOW DUE AND PAYABLE. Once again, it is time to renew your support of the Toronto Marine Historical Society. We have held the line on costs, and fees remain at $25. 00 per annum. We request your renewal at this time and would ask that you send your payment to our Chief Purser, using the special renewal form enclosed with this issue. The October issue will be the last sent to those who do not renew, so please remit at your earliest opportunity. We look forward to hearing from you very soon. In the New Member Department, a hearty welcome goes out to George Corrin, of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and to Allan Cole, of Midland, Ontario. * * * * * * * AFFILIATED WITH THE M AR IN E M U S E U M OF UPPER C A N A D A ISSN 0318-014X