13. JOHN H. PRICE IN THE WELLAND CANAL In our April issue, we featured as Ship of the Month No. 228, the Hall C o r poration canal steamer JOHN H. PRICE, and we mentioned that she spent most of her time in the St. Lawrence River trades and was not a particularly fre quent visitor above the Welland Canal. Member Alan Sykes, of Fonthill, Ontario, has checked some of the available canal records and has come up with some interesting information concerning canalling done by JOHN H. PRICE. During the 1931 navigation season, JOHN H. PRICE only made five trips up through the canal, the first on April 21 and the last on November 10. She stayed up above the canal for quite a while on that last trip, not locking back down until December 2nd. This likely would indicate that she brought pulpwood up for either Tonawanda or Green Bay, and then went to the Lakehead for grain. In 1932, the PRICE made eleven trips to Lake Erie or beyond. Her last tran sit of the season came when she passed down on December 10, the last day of operation of the canal for the year. She was one of only three ships active in the canal that day, the other two being the small upper lakers MARIPOSA and A. D. MacBETH of Hutchinson's Buckeye Steamship Company. The 1933 season saw the PRICE venture above the Welland seven times, while in 1934 she made four trips. In the 1935 season, she went above the Welland seven times, but she only made thirteen transits of the canal. The reason for the odd number of passages is that weather delayed her on her last trip and she was forced to lay up for the winter at Sarnia. She passed down the Welland again, en route from Sarnia, on May 12, 1936. In 1960, her last year of service, the PRICE made her last upbound trip through the Welland on November 30th, passing through Bridge 10 at Thorold South at 10: 48 a. m. She was back down again through the same bridge at 11: 28 a. m. on Sunday, December 4th. * * * * * OUR MEMBERS WRITE As our readers are aware, we are pleased to mention in "Scanner" any publications which are written or produced by members of this Society. Several recent publications of this nature deserve mention at this time. * * * SEAWAY SHIPS 1995 is the most recent addition of Rene Beauchamp's annual listing of salties using the Seaway. As usual, it has a number of sections, each devoted to a different aspect of the waterway and its ships. We only had two lines of space available in the April issue to mention this book, hence the expanded mention here. This 13th edition of Rene's listing costs $13. 65 Canadian or $11. 35 U . S., including postage. Address Rene Beauchamp, 9041 Bellerive, Montreal, Quebec H1L 3S5. * * * SEAWAY LAKERS & SALTIES 1995 is a 106-page listing of the details of the vessels that together made over 2, 400 passages through the St. Lawrence canals during 1995. Excluded are ships normally operating solely on the Great Lakes. This is the second annual edition of this listing by member Norman E a k i n s , P . O. Box 25010, Point Edward, Ontario N7V 4 K 1 . The cost is $19. 95 Canadian or $16. 50 in U . S. Funds. * * * MORAN'S SHORESIDE COMPANION FOR GREAT LAKES SHIPS is a most impressive first publication from member Bill Moran. It is a 194-page compilation of vessels currently operating on the Great Lakes, simply listing ships in alphabetical order and providing all relevant statistical data, history, and details of