MONTHLY NEWS BULLETIN OF THE T O R O N T O Executive C om m ittee Jay N. Bascom R. F, Beaupre David Bull Roger Chapman Lorne Joyce Capt. J. Leonard M A R I N E H I S T O R I C A L S O C I E T Y Editor Ja y N. Bascom 100 W hitehall Road Toronto, Ont. M 4 W 2C7 Capt. G. Ouderkirk G. Tu rn er W. R. Wilson VOL. XXVIII - NO. 9 MEETINGS Friday, MID-SUMMER 1996 October 4th - 8: 00 p. m. at the Museum. Annual Autumn Slide Night. Members are invited to bring up to fifteen slides each to illus trate their summer shipwatching activities. Or whatever...! * * * * * * * THE EDITOR'S LOGBOOK Our May Dinner Meeting was a great success, those present enjoying a d e lectable meal and a most interesting programme presented by John Lang and John Marshall on the past, present and future of cruising. We thank Bill Moran and Messrs Lang and Marshall for their donation of a number of door prizes, and we extend congratulations to all of our lucky winners. Enclosed with this issue is our Annual Membership Renewal N o t i c e . Please take a moment to read it and return the coupon, with your remittance, to our Chief Purser. Fees remain at $25. 00 per annum. Please note that the October issue will be the last one mailed to any members who do not r e n e w . We sincerely thank all those members who have supported us with contribu tions of marine news and articles during our 28th Volume of "Scanner". We hope that we may continue to count on your invaluable support during our 29th year. In the New Member D e p a r tm ent , we extend a hearty T. M. H . S. welcome to Edwyn Mason, of Zephyrhills, Florida. In anticipation of the Holiday Season, may we remind members that a T. M. H . S. membership would make a most suitable Christmas gift to a friend or loved one who is interested in lake shipping. * * * * * * * AFFILIATED WITH THE M AR IN E M U S E U M OF UPPER C A N A D A ISSN 0 3 1 8 -0 1 4X