VOL. XXX - NO. 6 MARCH 1998 Executive C o m m ittee Jay N. Bascom Roger Chapman Capt. G. O uderk irk R. F. Beaupre Lorne Joyce G. T u rn er David Bull Capt. J. Leonard W. R. Wilson Editor Jay N. Bascom 100 Whitehall Road Toronto, Ont. M 4W 2C7 MEETINGS Friday, April 3rd - 8: 00 p. m. at the Museum. Courtesy of Ron Beaupre, we will be treated to an evening of slides by the late Jim Kidd. This should be a most enjoyable programme. (Please note the re turn to Friday Evening for this meeting. ) Saturday, May 2nd - Annual Dinner Meeting. Please see details below. * * * * * * * THE EDITOR'S LOGBOOK The February Meeting turned out to be a most interesting event, as Mi chael Poborochuk took us on a voyage from Vladivostok to Toronto aboard his little sailing ship. His humourous commentary kept everyone in stit ches, but at the same time in awe of this feat of navigation. Michael's wife accompanied him to the meeting but we wish he had also brought along his cat, an expert catcher of flying fish! The Annual Dinner Meeting will be held Saturday, May 2nd, aboard JADRAN, which is moored on the east side of Toronto's Yonge Street slip. Parking is available in two lots just east of the ship, and there is ready access via the T. T. C. (Bay Bus or Harbourfront Streetcar). The bar will be open at 6: 00 p. m. and the five-course dinner will be served at 7: 00. Our speaker will be Rev. Chuck Beaton, son of the late Capt. Horace Beaton (of HAMONIC fame), who will present a programme entitled "Growing Up in a Great Lakes Family". Members are guests alike should enjoy this presenta tion. Tickets will cost $29. 00 per person (a reduction from last year) and, as usual, guests will be most welcome. Please send your early remittance to our Chief Purser, and when paying, please specify whether you would AFFILIATED WITH THE MARINE MUSEUM OF UPPER CANADA ISSN 0318-014X