5-DAY CRUISE FIRST CRUISE JUNE 10th LAST CRUISE SEPT. 16th RETURN SCHEDULE READ UPPORTS OF CALL KlLLARNEY QUARRIES MANITOWANING LITTLE CURRENT KAGAWONG MELDRUM BAY COCKBURN ISLAND THESSALON SAULT STE. MARIE (Cruise M a n ito u lin S , S . M A N I T O U L I N A HAPPY GROUP FIVE DAY CRUISE ALL EXPENSE 5-D A Y CRUISE 1000 MILES O N GREAT LAKES-- This cruise takes you from Owen Sound across Georgian Bay to Killarney, then to Manitoulin Island, calling at all the principal ports, then through the North Channel and St. Mary's River to Sault Ste. Marie. You pass through the famous Soo Canal and cruise along the shores of Whitefish Boy, returning through the Soo Locks to Sault Ste. Marie. A restful, rejuvenating cruise, with plenty of time ashore a t ports along the route. See route overleaf. Soiling schedule below. A T G O R E B A Y WEEK-END CRUISE A L L EXPENSE W EE K-END 250 M IL E CRUISE OF G E O R G IA N BAY-- Leaves Owen Sound every Saturday night a t 11 o'clock from June 15th to September 14th, cruising through Georgian Boy to Killarney and Little Current, returning by way of Tobermory, arriving bock in Owen Sound 6 o'clock Monday morning. Breakfast before you leave. Just that week-end trip you need after a hot week in the city. Two delightfully cool refreshing nights, grand meals, dancing if you wish-- all for $10.00, plus tax. DOMINION TRANSPORTATION CO. Limited, OWEN SOUND TRANSPORTATION CO. Limited OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO T e le p h o n e S. S. " M A N IT O U L IN " YOUR SHIP, the SS "M A N IT O U L IN " is a modern cruise steamer, well furnished and comfortably equipped for the accommodation o f over one hundred passengers The Dining Room is on the M ain deck and Observation Saloon on the Hurricane deck-- both have full-view windows Inside and outside staterooms a ll hove hot and cold running water. ( There is no difference in rotes o f outside or inside staterooms and choice of accommodation is given to those reserving earliest ) W e suggest that you bring shoes suitable for walk ing os there is plenty o f time ashore at various ports of ca ll-- incidentally, dress is informal a t a ll times. GENERAL IN F O R M A T IO N PARLOUR R O O M S -A . B, C. a n d D, on S S . M anitoulin a re considerab ly la rge r th a n the ordinary c ob in a n d con ta in a double b e d a n d p riva te toile t. T he ro te to r th e se room s is one ha lf fa re e x tra p e r room-- w hether occupied by o n e o r two persons C h ild re n under twelve (12) ye a rs o f a g e a n d over five ( 5 ) h a lf - f a re, under five (5 ) years o f a g e free, w hen accompanied by p a re n t o r gua rd ian . C hild ren under 5 years of a g e will b e c h a rg ed 5 0 c e n ts for each m e a l furnished. RESERVATIONS-- W hen reserving accom m oda tions p lease bear in m in d th a t eac h sta teroom is a r ra n g e d for tw o persons, the re fore if is very im portan t to s ta te w hether b e r th s o re desired for lad ies, gen tle m en or family, th a t they m a y be located properly. In a ll ca ses if possible give full n a m e o f e a c h passenger. S. S. " M A N IT O U L IN " SUMMER CRUISE SCHEDULES 1946 (EASTERN STANDARD T IM E ) WHERE TO WRITE If th e re is any further in form ation you requ ire in connection w ith th e se cruises, please w ri te d ire c t to: D O M I N I O N T R A N S P O R T A T I O N CO. LIMITED OWEN SOUND TRANSPORTATION CO. LIMITED OWEN SOUND, O N TA R IO Telephone 78 o r inquire o f you r RAILW AY, BUS, o r TRAVEL AG EN T. to to H