15. GREAT LAKE MEMORIES CIRCLE CRUISES S. S. "KEEWATIN" AND "ASSINIBOIA" 5 THRILLING DAYS FROM PORT M cNICOLL. . . . $50. 00 FROM T O R O N T O ....................... $54. 15 C. P. Lv. T oron to ............... Ar. P ort McNicoll.. Steam ship Special T ra in 1. 30 p . m . W ednesday S a tu rd a y 4. 40 p . m. "___________ " Lv. P o rt M cN icoll. . . Ar. Sault Ste. M arie. Lv. Sault Ste. M arie. Ar. P ort A rth u r ......... Ar. F o rt W illiam........ (Cruise fare includes Lv. F o rt W illiam---- Lv. P o rt A rth u r . . . . Ar. Sault Ste. M arie. Lv. Sault Ste. M arie. Ar. P o rt M cN icoll. . Steamship 5. 00 p. m. 11. 30 a. m. 12. 30 p . m. . . . . 6. 45 a . m. F rid ay 7. 50 a. m. " meals and berth on sh ip a t F o r t W illiam ) " Keewatin" W ednesday S a tu rd a y T h u rsd ay Sunday M onday 12. 00 noon S atu rday 1. 30 p . m. " 9. 30 a . m. Sunday 1. 30 p . m. " 8. 30 a. m. M onday T uesday W ednesday T h u rsd ay C. P. S team ship Special T ra in Lv. P ort M cN icoll 8. 45 a . m. M onday T hursday Ar. T oron to ....................... 11. 30 a. m. _____ "_____________"______ F irs t Cruise sails S atu rday , June 18, and sem i-weekly th e reafte r up to and including S eptem ber 14. Fare from P o rt M cNicoll includes passage, berth in inside room and all meals on SS "K E E W A T IN " or "A SS IN IB O IA " d u rin g cruise. T he $54. 15 fare also includes rail tran sp o rta tio n (coach class) Toronto-Port M cNicoll an d return . CAREFREE CRUISES S . S. " MANITOBA" 5 CAREFREE DAYS FROM PORT McNICOLL OR OW EN SOUND $40. 00 FROM TORONTO.................................................... 4 4 . 50 Lv. T oron to ............. Ar. Owen S ound. . . C P tra in (No. 707. 4 . 30 p . m. M onday 9. 00 p . m. " Lv. P o rt M cNicoll.. Ar. Owen Sound. . . SS " M AN ITO BA ' 2. 40 p . m. 8 . 40 p . m. Lv. Owen Sound... " 9. 4 5 p . m. " Ar. Sault Ste. M arie " 6. 00 p . m . T uesday Lv. Sault Ste. M arie " 7. 00 p . m. " Ar. F o rt W illiam . . . " 4 . 00 p. m. W ednesday (Cruise fare includes meals and berth on sh ip a t F o rt W illiam) Lv. F o rt W illiam ... SS " M A N ITO B A " 12. 00 noon T hursday Ar. Sault Ste. M arie " 9. 45 a . m . F riday Lv. Sault Ste. M arie " 11. 45 a . m. " Ar. M ackinac Island " 6. 45 p . m. " Lv. M ackinac Island " 8. 45 p . m. " Ar. Owen S ound. . . " 2. 45 p . m. S aturday Lv. Owen S ound. . . Ar. Toronto............. C P tra in No. 708 .. 3. 30 p . m. 8. 00 p . m. Lv. Owen Sound. . . Ar. P ort McNicoll.. SS "M AN ITO BA " 3. 00 p . m. 9. 00 p. m. " F irst Cruise sails M onday, Ju n e 27, and weekly thereafter up to and including Septem ber 5. Fare includes passage, accomm odation and meals on SS " M ANITOBA" during cruise and a t stop-over points. The $44. 50 fare also includes rail transporta tion (coach class) Toronto-Owen Sound and re tu rn . S . S. "MANITOBA" FEATURES Orchestra for dinner and dance music. D eck sports. All outside stateroom s, w ith running water. SHARP'S TRAVEL SERVICE 83 YONGE ST. TORONTO EL. 0 2 2 6 Prin ted In Canada 1938 Courtesy of Gordon Turner come these excerpts from Canadian Pacific's "Carefree Cruises on the Great Lakes" folder of 1938. We apologize for the small print, but we had to shrink the MANITOBA centrefold a long way to make it fit our page. Note the picture of the shuffleboarders on the crown deck beside the ventilator cowl; we have seen very few photos taken there. The timetable shows the Mackinac Island stop on Fridays. * * * * *