GREAT LAKE MEMORIES 14. G ran d Saloon, Looking A f t , C. & B L ine Steam er "C ity o f E rie" The cost? $2. 50 each way. Day service also was provided for $1. 50 each way. CITY OF ERIE and CITY OF BUFFALO ran this route, while STATE OF OHIO and STATE OF NEW YORK ran the Cleveland - Toledo line. All Aboard for Buffalo! On the centenary of the Pan American Exposition at Buffalo, we present a mon tage of views taken from the 1901 booklet of the Cleveland & Buffalo Tran sit Co. You could leave Cleveland at 8: 00p. m. and be in Buffalo at 6: 30 a. m. " City o f B uffa lo" approaching C. & B . L in e W ha rf, Cleveland