VOL. XXXIV - NO. 3 DECEMBER 2001 MEETINGS Saturday, January 5th - 1: 45 p. m. at the Swansea Town Hall. This will be our Annual Theme Slide Show. Members are invited to bring up to 15 slides each to illustrate the theme "Steam". Let your imagi nation run wild and join in the fun. Note the meeting date. Saturday, February 2nd - 1: 45 p. m. at the Swansea Town Hall. The few mem bers who managed to experience ARCADIA on the lakes will share the adventure with those who did not. More details next issue. * * * * * * * THE EDITOR'S LOGBOOK Our November Meeting featured videos and we saw some very interesting new and old footage of lake ships. Thanks to those who presented and those who viewed. We remind all that the January, February and March meetings will be held on the afternoon of the first Saturday of the month. If weather condi tions should be adverse on the day of a meeting, you may phone Gordon Tur ner at (416) 762-3130 to confirm whether the meeting will take place. We also remind members that news, comments, lay-up listings, etc., may be e-mailed to your Editor at jay.bascom@sympatico.ca In the New Member Department, we extend a most hearty welcome to John Schaal, of St. Paul, Minnesota, to Dick Berg, of Grand Haven, Michigan, to Mary Kelly, also of Grand Haven, and to David Telander, of Cape Coral, Florida. We are pleased to have all of you join us in the Toronto Marine Historical Society. * * * * * * * Executive C om m ittee Jay N. Bascom Roger Chapman Capt. G. O uderk irk R. F. Beaupre Lorne Joyce G. T u rn er David Bull Capt. J. Leonard W. R. Wilson Editor Jay N. Bascom 100 Whitehall Road Toronto, Ont. M4W 2C7 ISSN 0318-014X mailto:jay.bascom@sympatico.ca