GREAT LAKE MEMORIES 14. We return now to take another look at the U . S. C. G. ARROWWOOD. This pho to of her at Port Huron in 1943 is presented courtesy of Al Hart and of Gene Buel (whose name inadvertently was mis-spelled in the February is sue ). This incredible image comes to us courtesy of Ralph Roberts. It was taken from U. S. C. G. MACKINAW on Saginaw Bay on January 10th, 1945. Astern of MACKINAW is ARROWWOOD. They are escorting the U. S. S. CAVALLARO on her deli very trip from the Defoe shipyard at Bay City. CAVALLARO was bound for Chi cago, on her way to salt water via the Illinois Waterway and the Mississip pi River. Both of these photos of ARROWWOOD illustrate well her great beam; she was 56. 0 feet wide but only 161. 8 feet long - typical of a former ferry that carried automobiles. She was built, of course, as CADILLAC for the run between Detroit and Windsor. Her last service was as the excursion steamer LADY HAMILTON.