Editor's Logbook - cont'd. 2. J. S. WALTON. This should be a very special programme. The ticket price will be $30. 00 (Canadian dollars - and two less of them than last year! ) per person and, as usual, guests will be most welcome. Please send your early remittance to our Chief Purser and, when paying, kindly specify whether you would prefer an ocean perch or chicken dinner. Cheques should be payable to Toronto Marine Historical Society, and sent to William R. Wilson, 173 Glenrose Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4T 1K7. Tickets will be held at the door for all those who have submitted reservations. Please note that space is limited and this will be a popular programme. We must confirm to the restaurant the number of persons attending AND their dinner choices, so reservations, accompanied by payment, must be received by Tuesday, May 7th. We regret that there can be no refunds after that date. Please plan to attend and reserve early for you and your party. The dinner meeting always is a high point of our season, and an evening enjoyed by all who attend. Won't you please join us? In this issue, we normally would be sending you a bid form for the spring Silent Auction. However, we do not have enough donated items on hand at present to hold an auction. We will do so again before long, however, so please watch for details in a later issue. Meanwhile, if you have any items which you would care to donate for the next auction, kindly contact the Edi tor or any other member of the T. M. H. S. executive committee. In the New Member Department, a hearty welcome goes out to Rob Farrow, of Thunder Bay. We hope that you will enjoy your membership in the Toronto Ma rine Historical Society. * * * * * * * SEAWAY SHIPS 2001 The 19th annual edition of Rene Beauchamp's review of ships using the Seaway is now available. In the usual x 11, spiral-bound format, the 46-page directory this year features 14 colour illustrations. The largest section of the volume is given over to full details of foreign freighters which passed through the Seaway in 2001, but tugs, cruise ships and other miscellaneous vessels also are listed. Details of all major vessels in the Canadian lake fleets also are given. To obtain Seaway Ships 2001, address Rene Beauchamp at 9041 Bellerive, Mont real, Quebec H1L 3S5. Phone and fax to ( 514) 355-3891, or e-mail Rene at rbeauchampmarinephoto@sympatico. ca The price, including postage, is $16. 95 in Canada, or U. S. $13. 65. To overseas purchasers, the price is Canadian $19.00. * * * * * THE SILVER STACKERS The latest publication from Freshwater Press, Inc., is The Silver Stackers, written by the late Richard J. Kruse. This 300-page hardcover, which is ful ly indexed, traces the history of the various lake shipping arms of the United States Steel Corporation, most notably the Pittsburgh Steamship Com pany. The necessary corporate history is given, together with details of ma jor events and accidents involving the ships. The histories of the fleet's individual vessels are presented generally in the order that the ships were acquired or built, with one page allotted per ship, and with at least one photo of each vessel. This is one major fleet history! The price of the book is U. S. $35. 00 plus shipping. Contact Freshwater Press Inc., 1700 East 13th Street, Suite 3 R, Cleveland, Ohio 44114-3213. Phone (216) 241-0373 or fax (216) 781-6344. Visit Freshwater Press on the web at http: //www.lakeboats.com or email orders@lakeboats. com * * * * * mailto:rbeauchampmarinephoto@sympatico.ca http://www.lakeboats.com mailto:orders@lakeboats.com