M O N T H L Y N E W S B U L L E T I N O F T H E T O R O N T O M A R I N E H I S T O R I C A L S O C I E T Y VOL. XXXV - NO. 9 MID-SUMMER 2003 MEETINGS Friday, October 3rd - 7: 45 p. m. at the Swansea Town Hall. Annual Autumn Slide Night. Members are invited to bring up to 15 slides each to illustrate their summer ship activities (or anything else that may come to mind). * * * * * * * THE EDITOR'S LOGBOOK Here we are - a bit late getting back but ready to go again. Thanks for waiting patiently for the Mid-Summer issue. We hope that all of our members have enjoyed their summer of marine activities. We have not held a silent auction this year because we have not had enough quality items on hand to make it worthwhile. The auctions are very impor tant to the finances of T. M. H. S., so if you happen to have good marine pieces with which you could bear to part for the next auction, please let us know. Membership Fees for the 2003--2004 Season Are Now Due and Payable. Fees re- main at $25. 00 per annum (for one last year) and we sincerely hope that we may count on your continued support. Enclosed with this issue you will find a renewal coupon. We would appreciate it if you could send it to our Chief Purser at the address shown on the coupon (and NOT, please, to the Editor), along with your cheque, at your earliest opportunity. Thank you. In the New Member Department, we extend a most hearty welcome to Bill For sythe, of Fairport, New York. We hope that you will enjoy your membership in the Toronto Marine Historical Society. * * * * * * * Executive Committee Jay N. Bascom R. F. Beaupre David Bull Roger Chapman Lorne Joyce Capt. G. O u derk irk G. T u rn e r W. R. Wilson Editor Jay N. Bascom 100 Whitehall Road Toronto, Ont. M4W 2C7 ISSN 0318-014X