2. ROBERT BUSH Members present at the October meeting might have noticed that our long time friend and member Robert Bush, who carried T. M. H. S. membership card number 31, was not with us that evening. Robert Bush, who had been suf fering from congestive heart failure, and even left his hospital bed one evening to attend a T. M. H. S. meeting, passed away on August 26 as a re sult of complications from surgery which he had hoped would improve his health and maintain his independence. Robert Bush was born in 1919 at Chertsey, England, and ran away to sea at age 17, joining the British merchant marine. During World War Two, he was torpedoed in September 1939 on the VANCOUVER CITY, was bombed and machine gunned in September 1940 on the REGENT LION, was mined in Janu ary 1941 on the JAMAICA PLANTER, and was torpedoed and shelled in June 1941 on the tanker INVERSUIR. Saying that his war service in British ships was starting to affect his health (! ), he switched to the Canadian merchant navy in 1941, serving in the CAVALIER in 1941, in the LADY ROD NEY from 1941 to 1945, and in the LADY NELSON in 1945. In Halifax, he met and in 1946 married Evangeline Harrold and after the war they moved to Toronto. Bob sailed in the BROWN BEAVER and CHICAGO TRIBUNE in 1946, and in the KINGSTON, IMPERIAL WHITBY and IMPERIAL SAR NIA in 1947. He then worked for Canadian National Railways in Toronto until his retirement in 1981. Through the years, he pursued his interest in classical music, hiking, travelling across Canada, photographing ships and trains, and attending T. M. H. S. meetings. His wife Evangeline passed away in 1999. We extend our most sincere sympathy to his daughters Leslie and Nancy, to whom we are indebted for much of this information. Ave atque Vale, Bob. * * * * * A RECOLLECTION OF OUTARDE Recently we received a letter from one Austin Eade, of Little Current, On tario, who although not a T. M. H. S. member (we hope he will become one) had seen the Mid-Summer issue wherein we featured the steamer BRULIN, later OUTARDE (i) and JAMES J. BUCKLER. Mr. Eade sailed in the OUTARDE and has shared some recollections with us. "In the spring of 1945, when I was 16, I went aboard the OUTARDE as a deck hand. It was a great adventure for me. She still had her 12-pounder gun on top of the afterhouse and a D. E. M. S. gunner there to train us in its opera tion. I was given the position of gun-layer (vertical) and we started practice on orange crates and empty drums. However, every time we fired the gun, the vibrations broke several windows, so Capt. Redfern forbade us to do any more firing. His words were: 'You couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a scoop shovel, and glass is expensive! ' We received $1 a day extra while in the 'war zone', which started at the mouth of the Saguenay River. Some months we got as much as $10 extra on our $89 monthly wage. "A few weeks later I became a watchman. Shortly after that, they fired the cooks, and so the chief engineer's wife and I became the galley staff until we got to Little Current and a wonderful new c o o k was waiting to board. "The day the war was over, we pulled into Lorain to load coal and everyone went ashore to celebrate. We moored to some trees on the river bank as all docks were full and no one was working. We celebrated as sailors do at the Italian American Club and a great time was had by all.