VOL. XXXVI - NO. 4 JANUARY 2004 MEETINGS February 7th - 1: 45 p. m. at the Swansea Town Hall. Yet another instalment of the slides of Jim Kidd will be presented by Ron Beaupre. Those who have seen the previous instalments will know that this is a show not to be missed. Saturday, March 6th - 1: 45 p. m. at the Swansea Town Hall. More slides from the camera of Dyke Cobb will be presented by the Editor. Dyke's photos "speak", so plan to come see and listen. THE EDITOR'S LOGBOOK The December Meeting featured marine videos, and the members present enjoyed several interesting presentations. We thank Programme Chairman David Bull, as well as other members who brought videos. In the February issue, we will present our annual Lay-up List. We remind the members that, once your local port has received its winter fleet, you should jot down all the names and send them to us. We'll need to hear from you by January 26th if we are to get the list ready in time. See details inside, please. We still need more items for the next Silent Auction. Thanks to those who have responded already. If anyone else has items they wish to donate, please to contact the Editor. In the New Member Department, we extend a most hearty welcome to Lloyd Bel cher, of Mississauga, survivor of the 1940 wreck on Juniper Beach of NOVA DOC (ii). We hope you enjoy your membership in T. M. H. S. Executive Committee Jay N. Bascom R. F. B eaupre David Bull Roger C hapm an Lorne Joyce W m . P. M oran Capt. G. Ouderkirk G. Turner W. R. Wilson Editor Jay N. Bascom 100 Whitehall Road Toronto, Ont. M4W 2C7 ISSN 0318-014X