Ship of the Month - cont'd. 14. Moran; Capt. Cliff Morrison; Rod Morrison; Frank and Nancy Prothero; Capt. George Pyke; Rick Redmond, Sr.; R. W. Rick Redmond; Dale Rex; Ralph Roberts; Bruce Rudolph; Maurice Smith; David Swayze and Peter D. A. Warwick. As well, thanks are owed to the staff at the Toronto Reference Library, The Archives of Ontario, The Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston, The Historical Collections of the Great Lakes and The Marsh Society Collection at Amherstburg. Thanks also to the late John Bascom, Capt. George Bates, Ivan S. Brookes, Henry and Frank Bunker, Jim Kidd and C. H. J. Snider. We are also indebted to Michael B. Moir for his biography of Franklin Bates Polson. Apologies go out to anyone who inadvertently has been missed from this list. We also should note that, on page 11 of part one of this tale, we inadver tently referred to "Rick Redman (Sr. )". His name should read Rick Redmond, Sr. His son, R. W. (Rick) Redmond recently became a member of the Toronto Marine Historical Society. * * * * * GREAT LAKE MEMORIES OWEN SOUND KILLARNEY KILLARNEY QUARRIES LITTLE CURRENT KAGAWONG MELDRUM BAY COCKBURN ISLAND THESSALON BRUCE MINES HILTON BEACH RICHARDS LANDING SAULT STE. MARIE (Cruise on Whitefish Boy) S. S. "NORGOMA" SUMMER CRUISE SCHEDULES 1955 (EASTERN DAYLIGHT T IM E ) FIRST CRUISE JUNE 6th LAST CRUISE SEPT. 12th 5-DAY CRUISE • PORTS OF CALL RETURN SCHEDULE READ UP OWEN SOUND KILLARNEY LITTLE CURRENT MANITOWANING KILLARNEY OWEN SOUND THE OWEN SOUND TRANSPORTATION CO. LIMITED OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO Telephone 78 OR INQUIRE O F YOUR RAILWAY, BUS OR TRAVEL AGENT WEEK-END CRUISE FIRST CRUISE-- JUNE 11th LAST CRUISE-- SEPTEMBER 10th * * * * * * *