GREAT LAKE MEMORIES 10. Steamer " Q U E B E C " M ontreal=Q uebec D iv ision D i n er Olives Cornichons Consom m e Creme St-Germain Morue Fraiche Bouillie. Sce. au Persil Concombres Glaces Poulet Roti avec Farce Entrecotes de Boeuf, Sauce Raifort ou Brune Pommes de Terre Nouvelles, B ouillies o u en Pure e Carottes a la Crem e Betteraves au Beurre Salade de Laitue et Tomates Pouding M onte Carlo Tarte aux Pommes Cre me Glacee, Vanille Patisserie Franc aise Fromage Oka ou Canadien Biscuits The Cafe D in n e r Olives Pickles Consom m e Cream St. Germain B oiled Fresh Cod, Parsley Sauce Iced Cucumbers R oast Chicken W ith Dressing Ribs of Beef, Horseradish or Brown Sauce N ew Boiled or Mashed Potatoes Carrots in Cream Buttered Beets Lettuce and Tomato Salad M onte Carlo P udding Apple Pie Vanilla Ice Cream F rench Pastry Oka or Canadian Cheese Crackers Tea Coffee C o m m e n ts o r su g g e s t io n s r e g a r d in g th e serv ice s h o u ld be m a d e to a n d w ill be a p p re c ia te d by T . R . E n d e rb y , G e n e ra l M a n a g e r , M o n tre a l . T o u s c o m m e n ta i r e s ou s u g g e s t io n s se r a p p o r r ta n t a u serv ice d o iv e n t e t r e f a i t s a e t s e r o n t a p p re c ie s d e T . R . E n d e rb y , G e r a n t G e n e ra l , M o n tre a l . This menu, from the Editor's collection, is undated but probably is from early in the career of C. S. L . 's 1928-built QUEBEC, sistership of TADOUSSAC. Sadly, QUEBEC is best known for the fire that destroyed her at Tadousac on August 14, 1950, with the loss of seven lives. We wish we could show you the art work on front and back covers of the menu. Spectacular! At right is the "Daily Special" insert that came with the menu. Please note carefully the "unu sual" notepaper on which the in sert was typed by hand. Special To-Day Baked Lake Trout a la Creole Spaghetti a L'ltalienne * * * * * * *