8. The 2006 edition of KNOW YOUR SHIPS is now available from Marine Publishing Co., P. O. Box 68, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan 49783, phone (734) 668-4734 or online www. knowyourships. com In Toronto, it is available from Lynx Images at 958 Shaw St., or from The Nautical Mind at Harbourfront. Profusely illus trated, the 2006 edition is in the usual format. * * * * * GREAT LAKE MEMORIES From the 1933 G. L. T. Corp. Brochure GREAT LAKES TRANSIT CORPORATION De tro it-M ack inac Island--Sault C h icago -M ilw aukee B u ffa lo -C leve la n d -D e tro it-M a ck in a c Island--Sault Ste. M a r ie -H o u g h to n --Duluth Ship's Library and Parlor Corridor on Saloon Deck Entrance to Dining Room and Staircase Perth Deck The Lounge, forward on Saloon Deck Bridge, a favorite pastime on decks and promenades. 6 http://www.knowyourships.com