Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Scanner, v. 38, no. 8 (Mid_Summer 2006), p. 10

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GREAT LAKE MEMORIES 10. This 1891 brochure for the Great Northern Transit Company comes to us from longtime member Buck Longhurst, of Gore Bay, to whom we extend our thanks. GREAT NORTHERN TR A N S IT CO. 'S R U N N I N G IN C L O S E C O N N E C T I O N W I T H T H E G. T . R. A N D C . P . R. C O M P A N I E S S. S. PACIFIC 9 2 8 T O N S S. S. BALTIC 9 0 0 T O N S S. S. NORTHERN BELLE 6 0 0 T O N S S. S. ATLANTIC 74 0 TONS Important Travellers THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST B eing a ssu red th a t th e N o rth Shore a n d M an ito u lin C hannel Rou te, now trav e rse d by th e ir S team ers , h a s become th e m ost p opu lar E x cu rs io n T rip on th e C on tinen t of A m erica, T H E G R EA T N O R TH ER N T R A N SIT CO. have, a t g re a t expense, b u i lt an d f itted u p th e fine new S team ers, " BALTIC, " " ATLANTIC" " PACIFIC" expressly fo r th is ro u te , a n d hav e sp a red n o th in g to a t ta in th e h ig h es t degree of excellence in every d e p a r tm en t , and , a s a re su lt, they a re p roud to s ta te th a t , fo r efficiency in every m a t te r t h a t affects th e com fort, th e safe ty a n d th e p leasu rab le en jo y ­ m e n t of th e ir passengers , th e ir S team b o a ts a re Second to None The cab ins a re w ide, lo fty a n d p a la tia l in design , w hile th e m agnificence of th e ir ou tfit e n tit le s th e m to th e nam e of th e " Drawing Room" Steamers of Canada THE CUISINE W ill be first-class, in keep ing w ith th e S team ers, an d every effort w ill be used to e n te r ta in th e trav e llin g public w i th b o th com fort a n d h o sp ita lity . LARGE R O O M S a n d connec ting S ta te R oom s for b rid a l a n d fam ily p a rtie s . E xperienced lad ies' m aids to a tte n d ch ild ren an d lad ies trav e llin g w ith o u t escort. The Most Picturesque Route Most Healthful Climate, Most Comfortable Steam and the Cheapest Rates on the Continent of America. GREAT NORTHERN TR A N S IT CO. C O L L I N G W O O D Steam ers PACIFIC and ATLANTIC leave Colling­ wood a t 1. 30 p. m. every Tuesday and Saturday respectively a f te r a rriva l of the G. T. R . m orning trains from Toronto and Ham ilton, calling a t Meaford, steamers PACIFIC, BALTIC and ATLANTIC leave -wen Sound a t 10. 30 p. m. every Tuesday, Thurs­ day and Saturday respectively, a f te r a rriv a l of the C. P . R. afternoon tra in from Toronto, for S au lt Ste. Marie and in term ediate ports. The S aturday steam er will call a t W iarton both ways. T H O S . L O N G , C H A S . C A M E R O N , Secretary. Manager. MAIL JOB PR IN T, TORONTO We were sure the members would like to see this, despite the mouse-nibblings on the edge. The fare for a return trip from Collingwood, Owen Sound or Wiarton to Sault Ste. Marie and return was $14. 00, a lot of money in those days. The same fare was charged for a six-day excursion to Mackinac Island, featuring "No Dust, No Smoke, No Oppressive Heat, No Physical Exhaustion, No Tiring Idleness". With train connections from Toronto, Hamilton, Guelph, Woodstock, London or Stratford, the fare for either trip return was $18. 00. The ships hardly were "new" as advertised, however. All but PACIFIC were "retreads", and, in fact, the oldest of them, BALTIC, (a) FRANCES SMITH, had originally been built way back in 1867. All fell victim to fire - BALTIC in 1896, ATLANTIC and NORTHERN BELLE in 1898, and PACIFIC in 1903. * * * * * * *

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