3. Lay-Up Listings - cont'd. Amherstburg: C. C. G. S. CAPE HURD, CAPE TRANSPORT (barge/dock), COLUMBIA V (Bob-Lo ferry), C. C. G. S. GULL ISLE, KAYVEE (tug), QUEENSTON (hull/dock), ST. CLAIR (carfloat/dock), STE. CLAIRE V (Bob-Lo ferry). Orillia: ISLAND PRINCESS (exc. ). Kirkfield: KAWARTHA VOYAGER (exc. ). Muskegon: Add tugs CAPTAIN GEORGE, WILLIAM C. GAYNOR, FISCHER HAYDEN, and research vessels W. G. JACKSON and LAURENTIAN. Milwaukee: Add SAMUEL DE CHAMPLAIN (tug), SUSAN W. HANNAH (tug), INNOVATION (barge), ST. MARYS CONQUEST (barge). Sturgeon Bay: Add JOSEPH L. BLOCK, WILFRED SYKES. Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan: BIDE-A-WEE (exc. ), BOYD (research), U. S. C. G. BUCKTHORN, B. W. BUFE (survey), PAUL BUNYAN (gatelifter), FLORIDA (tug), OWEN M. FREDERICK (tug), HARVEY (crane barge), HIAWATHA (exc. ), HOLIDAY (exc. ), U. S. C. G. KATMAI BAY, KELLY ANNE (tug), LE VOYAGEUR (exc. ), MISSOURI (tug), NICOLET (derrick boat), NO. 56 (dredge), NOKOMIS (exc. ), OJIBWAY (supply boat), OKLAHOMA (tug), SENECA (tug), VALLEY CAMP (museum), WHITEFISH BAY (tug). For their help with this information, we thank Ken Davis, Alvon Jackson, Mac Mackay, Carmen Paris, Greg Rudnick and David Swain. And last issue, we should have acknowledged reports from the Boatnerd and Montreal Port websites. * * * * * PETER J. VAN DER LINDEN We regret to record the passing on February 8, 2007, of Peter J. Van der Linden, at the age of 78. On January 20, he had fallen on ice outside the building in which he resided. He underwent successful surgery to re pair a fractured hip but later developed severe respiratory complica tions which resulted in his peaceful passing at Port Huron Mercy Hospi tal. The funeral was held on February 13 at St. Clair, Michigan. He was a dedicated student of lake shipping history and an ardent writer and photogra pher. He served in a number of capacities with the Marine Historical Society of Detroit and was editor of its publication for many years. He was editor of the three books in the Society's Great Lakes Ships We Remember series. He had been a member (number 60) of T. M. H. S. almost since its founding. Pete was a very good friend of both your Editor and his father and we spent many happy summer vacations together at the Soo. We extend our most sincere sympathy to the family. * * * * * CAPTAIN DONALD BERT MacADAM T. M. H. S. lost another of its longtime supporters when Capt. Donald Bert MacAdam (member 337) passed away peacefully on January 30, 2007, in his 72nd year. The funeral service was held on February 1st and the church was filled to capacity. Donald Bert ("DB") was a lifelong resident of Goderich and, following in the steps of his seafaring family, he spent every day of his working life on the tugboats in and around Goderich harbour. For many years he was owner of the MacDonald Marine Ltd. fleet of tugs which now is owned by his son Ian. The Port of Goderich has lost a respected and faithful mariner. Capt. MacAdam is survived by his wife Janice, children Ian, Debbie and David, five grandchildren and one great-grandchild. To the whole family we offer our deepest condo lences. - Thanks to Glen I. Gardiner * * * * * Please watch the April issue for some interesting follow-up to our February feature on the Canada Atlantic Transit Company steamer KEARSARGE. Unfortu nately, there is no space in the current issue for it.