M O N T H L Y N E W S B U L L E T I N O F T H E T O R O N T O M A R I N E H I S T O R I C A L S O C I E T Y VOL. XL - NO. 1__________________________________________________ NOVEMBER 2007 MEETINGS Saturday, December 1 - 2: 30 p. m. at the Swansea Town Hall. At this time, details of the December Meeting have not been finalized. Please plan to attend and be pleasantly surprised. Saturday, January 5 - 2: 30 p. m. at the Swansea Town Hall. Annual Theme Slide Show. Members are invited to bring up to 15 slides each to illustrate "End of the Line" . Let your imagination run wild... * * * * * * * THE EDITOR'S LOGBOOK With this issue, we begin the 40th volume of "Scanner". We regret the fact that we could not bring an October issue to you, but Ye Ed. 's vacation plans prevented that. To make up for it, there will be an issue in January, so you still will receive eight issues. Membership Fees for the 2007-2008 Season Are Now Due and Payable. Fees are $40. 00 per an num and we solicit your continued support. If you did not remit with the Summer issue's renewal coupon, please do so as soon as possible. Please address our Chief Purser, Wil liam R. Wilson, 173 Glenrose Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4T 1K7. (Kindly do NOT send it to the Editor. ) This is the last issue that will be sent to those who do not renew. We sincerely thank those who already have renewed, especially those who included a spe cial gift to the Society. With the Canadian dollar now higher than the U. S. dollar, we lose money on each cheque sent in U. S. Funds. The exchange rate used to work to our good. In the New Member Department, we extend a hearty welcome to John D. Leitch and to Alan Heisey, both of Toronto. In this year of the 75th anniversary celebrations of Upper Lakes Group Inc., we are very happy to welcome its chairman, Jack Leitch, to the Toronto Marine Historical Society. We urge members to check out our website, www. tmhs. ca and use the links to contact us. * * * * * * * Executive Committee Jay N. Bascom Roger Chapman Capt. G. Ouderkirk R. F. Beaupre Lorne Joyce G. Turner David Bull Wm. P. Moran W. R. Wilson Editor Jay N. Bascom 100 Whitehall Road Toronto, Ont. M4W 2C7 ISSN 0318-014X http://www.tmhs.ca