First Rebuild: Official Number: 88242 Propulsion: Sidewheel Dimensions: 138 x 23 -- 440 tons Rebuilt: in 1882
138x23x8 Owned by J. Stevenson & H. Shackell 1871; Beauharnois Steam Navigation Co. 1877; to Deseronto Navigation Co. 1882. Built by J. Chabot, Quebec and launched 27/04/71. Engine 31x96 (maker unknown). Custom-House measure (pre-1877) 165t. Licensed for 450 passengers 1886. Used Montreal-Beauharnois, then Bay of Quinte. Toronto-Lorne Park 1887,1888. Greatly rebuilt with hull strengthening and extended cabins Deseronto 1882. Destroyed by fire 23/10/89 near Deseronto (4 killed), remains beached Grassy Point, Ont.