First Rebuild: Official Number: 100024 Propulsion: Screw Dimensions: 66 x 13 -- 39 tons Rebuilt: Wiarton, Ontario, Canada in 1909
68x13x7 Owned by J. J. Ferguson, Toronto 1896; D. L. McKinnon, Copper Cliff, Ont. 1901; J. Roque, Killarney Ont. 1921. Built by J. C. Drake, Roche's Point, Ont. 1890; rebuilt to 66x13x7 by R. E. Linton, Wiarton 1909. Engine 7½-15x19 by Polson Iron Works, Toronto. Tug. Shipped from Lake Simcoe to Lake Nipissing 1894, later Georgian Bay. Destroyed by fire 16/08/31 Gore Bay Ont.