First Rebuild: Official Number: 100392 Propulsion: Screw Dimensions: 135 x 24 -- 557 tons Rebuilt: in 1892
143x24x13 Owned by J. Fairgrieve, Hamilton 1872, 1886; to J. S. Nesbit, Sarnia 1892. Sometimes operated by Western Express Line or Merchants Line. Built by A. Robertson, Hamilton and launched 05/07/72. Engine 20-40x34 by F. G. Beckett, Hamilton. Licensed for 60 passengers 1886. Montreal-Upper Lakes, also Collingwood-Chicago for Northern Railway 1872-75 at least. Unusual engine designed by H. Fairgrieve: Both cylinders used when in open lake. When in confined waters (e. g. canals) only low-pressure cylinder used; H.P. becomes simply a steam-chest. Sank 10/06/83 Rockport Ont., raised. Destroyed by fire 18/10/92 Port Huron Michigan. Hull became U.S. schooner "Schilde".