First Rebuild: Official Number: 64147 Propulsion: Sternwheel Dimensions: 106 x 18 -- 166 tons Rebuilt: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada in 1870
95x18x4 Owned by C. T. Millard 1861; to H. V. Edmonds 1864; to "Capt. Fleming" 1866; M. Irving, New Westminster 1877. Built by Elder & Phillips, Victoria 1860. Engines (2) 13x42 by Spratt & Debries, San Francisco. Sternwheel. Used mostly on Fraser River, and on Stikine 1875. Damaged by hurricane 04/11/61 Hope B.C.: "stripped of hurricane deck, pilot house and stacks". "Dirty incommodious boat. Neither seats nor standing room for the crowd of gold-seekers" (1862)