First Rebuild: Official Number: 71101 Propulsion: Screw Dimensions: 123 x 25 -- 312 tons Rebuilt: in 1877
123x24x9 Owned by J. W. Steinhoff, Chatham Ont. 1877; to Weston, Northwood & Ronald, Chatham 1881; R. G. Barrett, Toronto 1886; to Victoria Park Co., Toronto 1896; Toronto Navigation Co. 1901; to Owen Sound & Georgian Bay Park Co. 1904; to Chew & Doty, Midland 1908. Built by H. A. Jenking, Wallaceburg 1874. Engine 18x18 by R. Parkinson, Chatham; compounded (18-32x18) 1889. Licensed for 155 passengers 1886. Hurricane deck extended forward and pilot house nearer bow 1894. Built for Thames River, later Lake Ontario and still later Georgian Bay. Damaged by fire 14/08/79 Detroit, took three months to repair.