First Rebuild: Propulsion: Sidewheel Dimensions: 99 x 19 -- 118 tons Rebuilt: Georgeville, Quebec, Canada in 1877
Second Rebuild: Propulsion: Sidewheel Rebuilt: Newport, Quebec, Canada
99x19x7 (width over paddle boxes 35'). Owned by E. Cross & G. W. Fogg 1850; Fogg & Harrower, Sorel 1855; to Lake Memphremagog Navigation Co. 1871; I. B. Foutroye, St. Johns Que. 1886. Built by A. Spears, Magog Que. and launched 27/06/50. Engine(s) 21x72 by J. Molson (or St. Mary's Foundry), Montreal. Licensed for 250 passengers 1886.