Kingston News (Kingston, ON), April 11, 1844
- Full Text
(from originals at Toronto Central Reference Library)
p.2 laborers on Lachine Canal strike for higher wages. [Montreal Times]
- 2 men attacked by canallers. [Niagara Chronicle]
The harbor having been completely relieved from ice, has presented during a portion of the past week a busy aspect. The Lake, River & Bay steamers have been put successfully in motion; and what with the constant steaming in port, the musical "yo-heve-ho" of the sailor, the expansion of sails and fluttering of flags, with warm and gentle breezes, we appear suddenly to have been transported from the cold and damp of January to the heat and dryness of June. The American steamer Oneida was the first to enter the port, which she did on Thursday evening, followed by the mail-packet City of Toronto on Friday morning.
The Oneida has paid us three or four visits since; the Lady of the Lake made her appearance on Monday, on which day the Henry Gildersleeve left for Prescott. The Princess Royal arrived on Tuesday morning, and the Prince Edward proceeded upwards to burst the icy fetters of the Bay. Capt. Gaskin's schooner, the Sophia, having been cut out on Friday, proceeded upwards on Saturday, and has been followed by the Isabella, Thistle, Sarnia, Canada, and others. On Sunday the Shamrock arrived from above, laden with 1400 brls. of flour to Messrs. Macpherson and Crane; yesterday, the Thames made her appearance, also laden with flour, and some other vessels, whose names we have not obtained. So that business has fairly commenced.
The mail steamers, we understand, will commence regular trips on Monday next.
Launch - Yesterday was launched from the Marine Railway, by Messrs. Fowler & Hood, a beautiful fore and aft Schooner, of about 100 tons burthen, which was duly named the Helen Mar. This schooner was the Morgiana, was wrecked last fall, the hull purchased by Fowler & Hood, who have completely rebuilt her. The Helen Mar is an excellent model, and one of the swiftest sailors on our waters.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- April 11, 1844
- Local identifier
- KN.3896
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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