Kingston News (Kingston, ON), April 18, 1844
- Full Text
(from originals at Toronto Central Reference Library)
p.2 The Steamer Emerald - The fine new steamer Emerald yesterday made her trial trip from Chippewa to Buffalo, and back, with a most satisfactory result. The current is strong, in some places running at least seven knots an hour, yet the Emerald made the passage up in 2 hours and 4 minutes, and the passage down in 1 hour and 14 minutes! This is capital ! Travellers can now pass from Buffalo to Toronto, by the Canada side of the Falls, in something less than six hours, as thus: from Buffalo to Chippewa, by the Emerald, 23 miles in 1 hour 14 minutes; from Chippewa to Queenston, by rail-road, 12 miles, 1 hour; and from Queenston to Toronto, by steamboat, 43 miles, 3 hours 30 minutes. [Niagara Chronicle]
Improvements - It has been extremely gratifying to us to observe, as it will no doubt be to our readers to learn, that extensive improvements of the most substantial character have been going on in the harbor during the past winter, and are now driving to completion. The chief of these has been the new wharf and Store-houses erected by J. H. Greer, Esq. This wharf, is the most extensive which has ever been laid in the harbor, and has the additional merit of being nearly all filled in with stone and earth, so as to present a solid surface, on a portion of which planks are laid, as more comfortable to pedestrians, for which paving or flagging may at any time be substituted. The main body of the wharf is probably 250 feet wide, from which one wide and one narrow pier extend, and form a small dock, altogether presenting six sides from which vessels may, if necessary, discharge. In addition to the large store on the old wharf, two new storehouses have been built. The next in order is the new warehouse erecting by James Brown, jr., Esq., for the Quebec Forwarding Company, who have leased his convenient stores and wharf. The foundation of the new store has been substantially built of stone in 8 or 10 feet water, and is protected by a wooden pier. The building itself is of great strength. This establishment will now consist of three store-houses, and the brick building erected last summer, to be occupied by the offices of the company. The wharf is provided with a railway, affording easy facility for the transmission of goods from vessels unloading to either of the stores, on the one side, while on the other, they can lay along side, and discharge immediately into store. The Quebec Forwarding Company have leased these premises, we understand, for a period of three years . The Marine Railway Company have been engaged in extending one of their breakwaters, and in giving immediately below increased wharf accommodation. Their large stone store has been leased by Messrs. Sanderson & Murray, in addition to which a second store, frame, is in course of erection for that company. The Queen's wharf has been rebuilt, and piers laid down on each side of the draw-bridge. The Cataraqui Bridge Company have received models and decided upon one upon which to reconstruct the Bridge. The work will not, however, be undertaken until next winter.
We cannot forbear travelling beyond our own harbor and viewing that of Portsmouth. Here all is activity. The harbor is crowded with vessels, and a large number of men are constantly employed in building and repairing. The village is in a thriving condition, and we have no doubt will continue to advance. A new steamer was recently launched at this place for Messrs. Macpherson & Crane: the model being that of the Charlotte and Bytown, which has proved so well adapted to the river and canal trade. A new schooner was also launched a few days since for Capt. Paterson, and is being actively pushed forward to take her place in the lake fleet. A large collection of dwellings, some of the most substantial character, the large number of vessels undergoing and awaiting repair or completion, the mass of men employed in boat-building and other occupations, the several establishments in operation, Marine Railways, the steam-saw Mill of the Messrs. Fisher, a large Brewery, the extensive Quarries and lime kilns of Mr. McLeod, with the short high puff of the high-pressure engine, the click of the hammer, the smoke of the forge, the busy hum of voices, - all present a scene of business activity which we never anticipated, and afford a contrast, which we little thought of conceiving, when a few short years since we passed over the same site to enjoy the solitary and pleasant ramble which it then afforded.
Lake and River Royal Mail steamers to start on 20th. [Chronicle]
People's Forwarding Line Of Steamers.
The Public are respectfully informed that the above named Line, composed of the following Steamers, viz.:
FAVORITE - Capt. Jones,
BRITANNIA - Capt. Maxwell,
ROB ROY - Capt. Dickinson,
with good Barges, having rented suitable Stores at Montreal and Kingston, will be prepared on the opening of the Navigation, to receive and Forward Goods, Produce, and Passengers, at the lowest rates, from Montreal to Kingston, via the Rideau Canal, and vice versa via the River St. Lawrence. The Steamers are all of the first class, and will be fitted up in a style equal to any on the route, having good accommodations. Every attention will be paid to Passengers, and the Transport of Freight executed with despatch.
Office at Canal Wharf, Montreal.
G.W. Johnson, Agent
And at Custom House Wharf, Kingston,
Geo. Henderson, Agent.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- April 18, 1844
- Local identifier
- KN.3897
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great