Kingston News (Kingston, ON), May 9, 1844
- Full Text
p.2 The little steamer Pioneer braved the rapids on the north side of the Long Sault, (commonly called the "Lost Channel") last week, with the greatest ease imaginable. - This is the first steamer that ever attempted to descend this channel before, and now that it is found practicable, it will be the future thoroughfare of boats similar in size to that of the Pioneer. Indeed Mr. Chambers (the most successful Pilot on the St. Lawrence) is of the opinion that boats of the first class will navigate it with the utmost safety. We must not forget to mention that it was our old friend, Nicholas Eamen, who guided the Pioneer so successfully. [Cornwall Observer]
We learn by a Gentleman from Port Stanley, that the splendid new Schooner, Sophia, Capt. R. Gaskin, arrived there on Tuesday, last, direct from Kingston, which place she left on Friday, thus making the passage in a little less than four days. We understand that she is one of the finest vessels that ever floated on the western lakes, and the time occupied in making the passage from Kingston to Port Stanley is ample proof of her superior sailing qualities. [London Inquirer]
A propeller steamboat upon an improved plan, is shortly expected from England, having been purchased by Mr. Mittleberger of this city. She is intended for Canal navigation, and if she arrives in safety, will be the smallest steamer that ever crossed the Atlantic. [Montreal Times]
More Troubles On The Canals - men strike for wages. [Transcript]
p.3 Auction Sale of Barges, etc. - Will be sold by Auction, on Monday next, the 13th instant, at the Wharf occupied by Mr. McIntyre, at Portsmouth Harbour, three first rate Barges, capable of carrying 650 barrels each, viz.: - the Don, Eve, and Jett, in good sailing order, having been thoroughly overhauled lately. The Boats will be put up precisely at 12 o'clock.
Also, at two o'clock, at the Stone Store, Marine Railway, the Sails, Rigging, Anchors, Tarpaulins, Poles, etc., etc., necessary to complete the above Barges, and will be put up in lots to suit purchasers. J. Linton, Kingston, May 7th, 1844.
The Steamer Frontenac, Capt. G. Ives, will leave this Port for Toronto and Hamilton, calling at the intermediate places, on Monday next, at 4 o'clock P.M.
At Kingston Dock Yard.
To be sold by Auction, at Kingston Dock Yard, on Tuesday the 28th of the present month, Her Majesty's Steam Vessel Traveller, with her engines and boilers complete.
The Traveller is a fine fast-going Vessel of 352 tons, with a first rate Engine of 90 Horse Power, in perfect condition. She is now riding at the moorings in Navy Bay, off the Dock Yard, had a thorough Caulking in August last, when she was housed over; Her Hold and Decks have been well aired with heated Stoves during the Winter months. She may be examined, and also her Machinery, every day previous to the Sale, (Sundays excepted), within the working hours.
Sale at One O'clock P.M.
A deposit of 25 per cent to be made at the time of purchase, the remainder of the purchase money to be paid before the Ship is removed, which is to be done within one month of the Sale, at the sole expense and cost of the purchaser.
Jas. Linton, Auctioneer.
Kingston Dock Yard, Canada May 2rd, 1844.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- May 9, 1844
- Local identifier
- KN.3900
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great