First Rebuild: Propulsion: Sidewheel Rebuilt: in 1837
Approx. 105x25x6 Owned by Ottawa & Rideau Forwarding Co.; to Macpherson & Crane, Montreal 1844, 1846; Messrs. Platt 1848. Built by Fleming, Hawkesbury Ont. and launched 03/05/30. First engine by Maudslay & Sons, London England, from "Quebec"; after 1835 by Ward Bros., Montreal from "Nonsuch", to "Hunter". Had 20 berths "plus steerage" when new. "Covered over on top and…a promenade of considerable length is formed" (Montreal "Gazette"). Rebuilt to 135x25x6 and "sharpened at the bow" 1837. Used on Ottawa River; Kingston-Belleville 1847.