It will go to the Junkshop before long
The revenue cutter Johnson, which has been stationed during the past season in the St. Mary's river to enforce the regulations relating to the navigation of that channel, has been ordered to Milwaukee for the winter. Inasmuch as the Gresham now building in Cleveland will be in readiness for services by the opening of navigation next spring. It is quite likely that the cutter Fessenden will be ordered to St. Mary's river station next year. The Johnson's is an old boat and fit for little else than the junkshop and to the junkshop she will probably go as soon as the two additional lake cutters to be built in the near future are ready for service.
The plan for the new cutters are completed and the contracts for their construction will probably be let this winter. They will be twins and trifle heavier than the Gresham. They will be built with special reference to lake navigation and will in all respects be as fine vessels as any in the revenue cutter service.
It is said at Washington that Capt. Shomaker chief of the revenue cutter service is greatly pleased with the operation of the St. Mary's river regulation during the season just passed. They have proved of immense value to the lake shipping interests and have doubtless averted disasters. The captain says that there is no likelihood that material channel will be made this winter in the St. Mary's regulations. They are strict but not too much so for the safety of lake commerce, and any changes that may be made in them will be of minor importance. As a rule they have been satisfactory to the vessel men. Some objections have been raised to them but the objections have come from those who violated the regulations and were fined in consequence. Detroit Free Press.