From Ontonagon
- Publication
- Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH), 16 Jun 1862, p. 3
- Full Text
- From Ontonagon
The elegant steamer Illinois, which left Ontonagon on the 10st inst., arrived in port yesterday. From Mr. CHARLES ATWOOD, Clerk of the Illinois, we are indebted for the steamer's log, which will be read with interest by many of our readers:
Steamer Illinois left Ontonagon on her return trip Tuesday morning, June 10th, at 10 o'clock. From two passengers from La Pointe, we learned the following particulars relative to the propeller Water Witch: She was lying at La Pointe in a disabled condition. On Saturday the 7th, when 12 miles out from that place she broke her shaft, and shattered her stern, so that she commenced filling. Her water-tight bulkhead, however, kept the water from her fires, so that she was able to keep her pony pumps going, and with these and her hand pumps, they were able to keep her afloat until towed into port, which was done by 75 oarsmen. Our informant stated that had she been 10 miles further down. These are the most reliable particulars we could get, and are to be taken with the usual allowance.
Called at Eagle River, Eagle Harbor and Copper Harbor. Met prop. Iron City that evening above Copper Harbor. Left Portage Lake on the afternoon of next day. Schooner Neptune was then unloading. Left Marquette at 1 1/2 o'clock on morning of 12th. There were a large number of vessels there loading; could not ascertain their names. Met steamer Traveler same day at noon off White Fish Point. Saw two schooners and one barque at anchor off Waiskee Bay; could not make out their names. Left Sault at 6 o'clock on evening of 2th. Met propeller Northern Light in Lake George. Came via Wellington mine, passing Detroit at 4 o'clock on morning of 13th. Met steamer City of Cleveland same morning off Thunder Bay.
She brings 110 tons copper from Minnesota mine; 117 do. from Quincy; 54 do. from Amygulvid, Copper Falls, Central and Pethiwic mines; 4 1-2 tons pig iron; 4 bales furs; 10 tons of miscellaneous freight and 60 passengers.
The Illinois will leave on her return trip, on Tuesday evening the 17th, at 8 o'clock.
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Text
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 16 Jun 1862
- Subject(s)
- Geographic Coverage
Michigan, United States
Latitude: 47.46879 Longitude: -87.88844 -
Michigan, United States
Latitude: 42.33143 Longitude: -83.04575 -
Michigan, United States
Latitude: 47.45824 Longitude: -88.16233 -
Michigan, United States
Latitude: 46.03919 Longitude: -83.72695 -
Michigan, United States
Latitude: 46.45002 Longitude: -84.13336 -
Michigan, United States
Latitude: 46.54354 Longitude: -87.39542 -
Michigan, United States
Latitude: 46.87105 Longitude: -89.31403 -
Michigan, United States
Latitude: 47.06632 Longitude: -88.49707 -
Michigan, United States
Latitude: 45.00001 Longitude: -83.39997 -
Michigan, United States
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