STR. K A L O O L A H , from a drawing: in th e John Ross R obertson C ollection of Canadian Historical Pictures, Toronto P u b lic Library. A FT E R HER N AM E W A S C H A N G ED S tea m er " C o llin g w o o d " (K aloolah) on a rock n ear M ichipicoten, J u ly , 1857, w h ile en route to Fort W illiam , w ith the Canadian R ed R iver E xp ed itio n on board. W ater color b y John F lem ing, assistant su rveyor, Canadian R ed R iver E xpedition, in th e Joh n Ross R obertson C ollection of Canadian H istorical P ictures, Toronto P u b lic Library. The Evening Telegram, Toronto, Schooner Days CCCCI, June 10, 1939