ALBINA was repaired and caulked in 1894. In 1897-1907, her owner was George T. Benson of Montreal who was probably a Montreal Transportation Co. agent, or, in 1897 was Reid & Co. of Montreal, but either way she continually showed up in Montreal Transportation Co. corporate minutes as if owned by them. She was eventually wrecked on Glassford's Shoal below the Galops Rapids in the St. Lawrence River and was removed from the register on 26 February 1907. Canada List of Shipping 1895; Inland Lloyd's Vessel Register Canadian Hulls 1890, 1892 and 1897; Marine Museum of the Great Lakes Canadian Ship Registers on line; Mercantile Navy List 1888, 1896 and 1907; Mills Barges and Scows Before 1890; British Whig 25 November 1890. 7 ALFRED river barge. 1883-1886. 226 tons new measurement, 190 tons register, 100.9'. Capacity 14,000 bushels. Built at Quebec City by A. Cantin in 1873. 1874 rated 1 out of a possible 3 and valued at $6,800. In 1878, she was rated 1 and valued at $5,000. In 1884 she was rated B1. This barge was in a Montreal Transportation Co. tow in 1873. In 1874 her owner was given as "Elevating Co." (the Montreal Elevating and Warehousing Co.?). Her 1877 owner was T. McCarthy of Prescott Ontario. His occupation was given as a brewer. The Grenville Brewery in Prescott was owned by John McCarthy (1827-93), so the initial "T" might be incorrect, or possibly they were two different men both involved in the family business. ALFRED's ownership was transferred to St. Lawrence & Chicago Forwarding by 1879, then to Montreal Transportation Co. in 1883 when they took over the firm. Montreal Transportation Co. rebuilt her in 1883-84 but she was not in the published 1887 Montreal Transportation Co. fleet list. In 1895 her owner was Joseph Kerr of Farran's Point Ontario. She was broken up and was removed from the register on 18 March 1897. J. Gaskin Letter Book 1884-86; Alpena Public Library Great Lakes Maritime Database; Association of Canadian Lake Underwriters Marine Register 1874; Board of Lake Underwriters Lake Vessel Register 1878; Canada List of Shipping 1874, 1877 and 1895; Canadian Heritage Ship Information Database; Directory of the Marine Interests of the Great Lakes 1884; Gates Breweries of Kingston & the St. Lawrence Valley; Inland Lloyd's Vessel Register Canadian Hulls 1890 and 1892; Mills Barges and Scows Before 1890; British Whig 24 May 1881 and 14 March 1882; Kingston Daily News 14 June, 11 August, 10 September and 18 November 1873, 19 December 1874, 29 May and 28 August 1876; Marine Record 7 May 1887. 8 AMAZON river barge (scow). 1869-1874. 129 tons register, 101.1'. Capacity 10,000 bushels. Built at Riviere-du-Loup in 1869. In 1874 she was rated 2 out of a possible 3 and valued at $2,200. In 1877-84 AMAZON's owner was the Canada Shipping Co. (W.Q. Stobo) of Montreal. She was eventually broken up. 98