(Lake Ontario) in 1967 and removed from the register in 1969. A 1948 photo showed her with a pilot house on a raised fo'c'stle and a large crane on deck. Named for the Lake Ontario port of Cobourg Ontario Montreal Transportation Co. Annual Directors' Reports 1902, 1903, 1906, 1908, 1910 and 1913-20; Montreal Transportation Co. Barge Accounts 1900; Montreal Transportation Co. Charter (1917) Schedule A; Montreal Transportation Co. Directors' Minutes 22 June 1920; Montreal Transportation Co. Engineer's Log R.G.A. Weaver 1 May-14 Oct 1917; Montreal Transportation Co. Kingston Grain Ledgers 6 November 1899-1 November 1900, 1 Jan-1 November 1900, 24 Apr-22 June 1900, 27 July 1900-14 June 1901, 27 July 1900-26 June 1901, 5 Oct-28 Dec 1900, 29 April-12 June 1901, 14 June-24 November 1901, 29 June-6 Dec 1901, 8 July 1901-29 May 1902, 28 April-26 November 1902, 30 May 1902-4 May 1903, 14 July-12 Aug 1902, 25 March-6 Aug 1903, 25 April-27 November 1903, 13 June-7 Dec 1903, 28 Aug-7 Dec 1903, 7 May-15 Sept 1904, 21 May-17 Dec 1904, 17 Aug-24 November 1904, 29 April-23 June 1905, 15 June-26 Sept 1905, 28 Sept-6 Dec 1905, 22 April-28 May 1906, 29 November 1912-8 Oct 1914, 22 April-31 Oct 1914, 20 July-18 November 1917, 6 May-15 November 1918; Montreal Transportation Co. Ships' Logs Mary May 1918, P.B. McNaughton May-Sept 1918 and D.G. Thomson 30 Aug-14 Dec 1919; American Bureau of Shipping Great Lakes Register 1919 and 1921; Bascom and Gillham Early Ships of Canada Steamship Lines; Bowling Green Great Lakes Vessels Online Index; Bureau Veritas Great Lakes Register 1914; Canada List of Shipping 1910, 1912, 1930, 1931 and 1948; Canadian Heritage Ship Information Database; Lloyd's Register 1905, 1919, 1920, 1922, 1930 and 1945; Mercantile Navy List 1923 and 1925; Detroit Marine Historian February 1952; Marine Review 24 March and 7 April 1898; Schell "Canada Steamship Lines" Belgian Shiplover 2/73. 31 COLBORNE river barge (C 71601). 1874-1904. 337 tons new measurement, 391 tons gross as built (later 420 grt), 301.56 tons register, 149.0'. Capacity 24,000 bushels. Built in 1874 by G. Drolet (also given as Auger & Son) at Montreal. No masts. Round stern. 1878 rated 1 out of a possible 3 and valued at $8,500. 1890 rated A2½ and valued at $5,000. 1892 required repairs. 1897 rating and value same as 1890. 1902 value $1,500. 1903 value $1,800. COLBORNE received a new rudder post in 1884. She was rebuilt in 1887 after sinking near Valleyfield Quebec, was repaired in 1889 and was sold in 1904 for $1,800. In 1907-1910 her owner was Arsene B. Champagne of Lanoraie Quebec. She was removed from the register on 5 December 1911 as she had been broken up. Presumably named after Port Colborne Ontario at the upper end of the Welland Canal on Lake Erie. Upper lakers, too large to go through the canal, discharged their grain into elevators there for further shipment east. J. Gaskin Letter Book 1884-86; Montreal Transportation Co. Annual Directors' Reports 1902 and 1903; Montreal Transportation Co. Directors Minutes 4 July 1904; Montreal Transportation Co. Kingston Grain Ledgers 1 Jan-1 November 1900, 24 Apr-22 June 1900, 5 May-4 Aug 1900, 27 July 1900-26 June 1901, 5 Oct-28 Dec 1900, 29 April-12 June 1901, 14 June-24 November 1901, 29 June-6 Dec 1901, 8 July 1901-29 May 1902, 28 April-26 November 1902, 30 May 1902-4 May 1903, 25 March-6 Aug 1903, 25 April-27 November 1903, 8-19 November 1903; 113