(Chaffey Bros.) in 1861. Round stern. 1863 and 1866 rated 1 and valued at $2,000. 1864 rated A and valued at $2,500. 1874 rated 3 out of a possible 3 (not insurable) and valued at $600. Originally operated out of Rideau ports for the Chaffeys. Presumably named after the village of Crosby on the Rideau. Alpena Public Library Great Lakes Maritime Database; Association of Canadian Lake Underwriters Marine Register 1874; Board of Lake Underwriters Lake Vessel Register 1866; Board of Lake Underwriters (Buffalo) Marine Register 1863; Bush Commercial Navigation of the Rideau Canal; Canada List of Shipping 1877; Directory of the Marine Interests of the Great Lakes 1884; Marine Museum of the Great Lakes Canadian Ship Registers on line; Mills Barges and Scows Before 1890; Thomas Register of the Ships of the Lakes and river St. Lawrence 1864; Kingston Daily News 19 December 1869, 21 October and 19 December 1870. 40 CRUISER river barge. 1866-1877. 153.21 tons register, 93.0'. Capacity 10,000 bushels. Built at Montreal in 1863 by J.B. Auger (Marine Museum of the Great Lakes Canadian Ship Registers on line said by F. Auger, Marine Register 1874 said by Ross). No masts. Round stern. 1866 rated 1 out of a possible 3 and valued at $2,500. 1874 rated 2 and valued at $1,800. This barge ran in the Ottawa-St. Lawrence lumber traffic. McLennan and Auger were her owners by 1866. She had large repairs in 1871 but was removed from the register on 10 March 1880 as she had been broken up. Alpena Public Library Great Lakes Maritime Database; Association of Canadian Lake Underwriters Marine Register 1874; Board of Lake Underwriters Lake Vessel Register 1866; Canada List of Shipping 1877; Canadian Heritage Ship Information Database; Marine Museum of the Great Lakes Canadian Ship Registers on line; Mills Barges and Scows Before 1890; Kingston Daily News 19 December 1870, 3 July 1872, 31 May, 3 June, 6 August, 9 and 22 September, 18 November etc. 1873 and 7 May 1874. 41 D river barge. 1883-1888. 221 tons new measurement, 196 tons register, 114.8'. Capacity 14,000 bushels. Built at Batiscan Quebec by Artemis Dunning in 1868. 1874 rated 2 and valued at $3,200. 1884 rated B1. 1890 rated B1 and valued at $2,800. This barge struck a pier in the Lachine Canal in 1871 with a cargo of 14,000 bushels of wheat on board. From 1871 to 1883 Coulthurst and McPhee (St. Lawrence & Chicago Forwarding) owned her. She was repaired in 1880 and came to Montreal Transportation Co. in 1883 when they took over the St. Lawrence and Chicago Forwarding Co. She was repaired again in 1888. Between 1890 and 1895 she was owned by Harteau of Valleyfield Quebec. She eventually sank in Lac St. Francis. J. Gaskin Letter Book 1884-86; Association of Canadian Lake Underwriters Marine Register 1874; Canada List of Shipping 1877 and 1895; Canadian Heritage Ship Information Database; Directory of the Marine Interests of the Great Lakes 1884; Inland Lloyd's Vessel Register 119