PORTLAND was one of the Rideau trade barges built for George Chaffey. In 1868 her owner was George Mathieson Kinghorn of Kingston. She was rebuilt in 1873. In 1877 her owner was D. Deschamps of Lachine Quebec and in 1884-88 it was J.B. Cantin of Montreal. Named for the Rideau lake port. Many of Chaffey's barges were named after ports on the Rideau lakes. Alpena Public Library Great Lakes Maritime Database; Association of Canadian Lake Underwriters Marine Register 1874; Board of Lake Underwriters Lake Vessel Register 1866; Board of Lake Underwriters (Buffalo) Marine Register 1863; Canada List of Shipping 1877; Canadian Heritage Ship Information Database; Directory of the Marine Interests of the Great Lakes 1884; Marine Museum of the Great Lakes Canadian Ship Registers on line; Mills Barges and Scows Before 1890; Polk's Marine Directory of the Great Lakes 1888; Register of Ships of the Great Lakes and River St. Lawrence 1864; Kingston Daily News 19 December 1869, 19 December 1870, 7 June 1872, 19 June and 6 August 1873, 7 May 1874 etc. 105 POWERFUL river barge (C 42749). Signal letters TLCV. 1883-1899. 283 tons register, 140.0'. Capacity 20,000 bushels. Built at Quebec City by Thomas C. Lee in 1861. 1866 rated 1 and valued at $4,500. 1874 rated 2 and valued at $5,500. In 1884 was rated B1. 1885 rated B2. 1887 Rated coarse freight only [see definitions]. POWERFUL's first owner was Glassford Jones & Co. Rebuilt 1870. Had probably become a St. Lawrence & Chicago Forwarding Co. (Coulthurst & McPhee) vessel by 1874 although the List of Shipping 1877 continued to show her owners as Glassford Jones, and other sources give her 1874 owner as D. Butters of Montreal. She was repaired in 1874 and was definitely owned by St. Lawrence and Chicago Forwarding Co. by 1879. She was repaired again in 1882. Her ownership was transferred to Montreal Transportation Co. when they took over St. Lawrence and Chicago Forwarding Co. Broken up. Her registry was closed on 11 December 1899. J. Gaskin Letter Book 1884-86; Alpena Public Library Great Lakes Maritime Database; Association of Canadian Lake Underwriters Marine Register 1874; Board of Lake Underwriters Lake Vessel Register 1866; Canada List of Shipping 1877 and 1895; Canadian Heritage Ship Information Database; Directory of the Marine Interests of the Great Lakes 1884; Mercantile Navy List 1883 and 1899; Mills Barges and Scows Before 1890; British Whig 24 May 1881; Marine Record 7 April 1887. 106 PRINCESS river barge (C 70282). 1906-07. 336 tons new measurement, 300.3 tons register, 142.0'. 22,000 bushels. Built at Montreal by A. Cantin in 1874. No masts. Round stern. In 1878 rated 1 and valued at $7,500. 1892 rated A2½ and valued at $5,000. In 1897 she was rated B1 valued at $3,000 and noted required repairs. Her 1906 value was $1,000. 168