Marine News - cont'd. 4. been idle at Toledo since late in 1990. On June 6-7, the boom was cut into sections and removed by Hans Hansen Welding, and we understand that it is to be retained for possible future use on another ship. It also is said that her diesel engine may find its way into another lake vessel. New stack colours appear this year on the Great Lakes International Towing & Salvage Company's 1969-built tug PETITE FORTE, (a) E. BRONSON INGRAM (70), (b) JARMAC 42 (73), (c) SCOTSMAN (81), (d) AL BATTAL (86). Gone is the red stack with black top which she wore when running from 1986 through 1994 for Wakeham & Sons Ltd. She now carries the stack colours of St. Marys Cement Ltd. PETITE FORTE pushes the cement-carrying barge ST. MARYS CEMENT III, the former CLARKSON CARRIER. The same owners' tug R & L N O . 1, operated by Fettes Ltd., Hamilton, has now been renamed (b) ECOSSE. Bay Shipbuilding Corp., Sturgeon Bay, laid the keel in early April for the 460-foot cement-carrying barge ordered by the Lafarge Corporation. The barge, named INTEGRITY, has a beam of 70 feet and a towing notch 66 feet deep, and will be pushed by the 1976-built, 136-foot tug JACKLYN M . , (a) A N DREW MARTIN (93), (b) ROBERT L. TORRES (94), which arrived on the lakes dur ing June. The barge entered service in early August and her christening is to coincide with the opening of a new Lafarge cement terminal at Milwaukee. The Lower Lakes Towing Company's self-unloader CUYAHOGA, (a) J. BURTON AYERS (95), has been busy in a variety of trades this year, including taking corn from Toledo to the Port Colborne starch plant. In June, however, she took a load of 1 7 , 500 tons of salt to Ogdensburg. CUYAHOGA had only unloaded about half the cargo when, on June 14, part of her bucket elevator system collap sed. CUYAHOGA sailed under her own power to Toronto, where she lay from June 15 to the 23rd while repairs were made. She cleared Toronto on the evening of the 23rd, bound back to Ogdensburg to unload the rest of her salt cargo. The former P & H steamer ELMGLEN (II), (a) JOHN O . McKELLAR (II) (84), has lain idle at Sorel for many years, having been sold to the now-defunct M a rine Salvage Inc. for an overseas scrap resale which never occurred. On A p ril 12, ELMGLEN cleared Sorel in tow of the tugs OCEAN FOXTROT and OMNI STLAURENT, bound for Quebec City, where the steamer is being rebuilt as a barge. Her cabins have been removed, her stern is notched, and she will be run in various bulk trades by Le Groupe Ocean Inc., beginning in late 1996 or early 1997. The same firm currently operates the self-unloading barge BETSIAMITES, built at Port Weller in 1968 for the paper trade. It was announced in May that the U . S. Coast Guard has contracted with M a r i nette Marine Corp. for the construction of two more 225-foot tenders of the JUNIPER class. Marinette built the JUNIPER in 1995 and she was commissioned early this year. Outbound in the Seaway on May 31st, she later distinguished herself as leader of the fleet on Long Island Sound recovering the wreckage of TWA Flight 800, which crashed into the Sound on July 17th. Late in 1995, the World Ship Society's "Marine News" reported sales and re names for two former lakers, confirming their continued existence. BALBOA TRADER, (a) IMPERIAL COLLINGWOOD (79), (b) SEAWAY TRADER (87), (c) PATRICIA II (92), was reported sold by Caribbean Maritime Services Inc., Panama, to Omega Shipping Corp., Panama, and renamed (e) RIVAS. As well, LUCKY STAR, (a) KINGDOC (II) (88), (b) N ORSTAR (90), is renamed (d) CAROLINA F. after a sale by Eclair Marine S. A., Bahamas, to Cargoazucar S. A., also Bahamas. In previous issues, we noted the disposal of some of the Socanav Inc. tank ers. One of these was J. C. PHILLIPS, (a) GULF GATINEAU (85), which was sold Panamanian late in 1995 and renamed (c) TRADEWIND SPIRIT. The World Ship So ciety in May identified the tanker's new owner as Lanz Holdings S. A., Pana ma. In July, the W . S. S. identified the new owner of TRADEWIND ISLAND, (a) GULF MACKENZIE (85), (b) L. ROCHETTE (95), as Skydome Corp., Panama. Also, in June, W . S. S. noted that Intamico Shipping Ltd., Barbados, is the new ow ner of DOLPHIN, (a) JAMES TRANSPORT (86), (b) ENERCHEM TRAVAILLEUR (95), (c) ENERCHEM DOLPHIN (95).