Copyright © 1998 Marsh Collection Society 235A Dalhousie Street Amherstburg, Ontario N9V1W6 (519)736-9191 This ^k, or thereofi may not be reproduced in any form without the written penn^ion ofthe hteh Collection Society and the Amherstburg Echo, except by areviewer who Wishes to quote briefpassages for inclusion in a--'--review. ISSN 1480-6444 First printing 1998 Printed by Tri-Graphics BrownandAssociates Amherstburg, Ontario Typesetting &design by Jennifer MacLeod toe^e^t h": ~ntributing his aUowing us to reproduce phitog;^hsLt^"bft"' jiL r r'1^1^ -A'l JI r I I I I I I I I f!' Introduction The Marsh Collection Society, a non-profit organization, is based on the historical collection ofJohn Marsh and his sister Helen, owners and operators ofthe Amherstburg Echo for over 50 years. They founded the Marsh Collection Society in 1983 with the intent that aresearch facility be opened after their deaths. Helen passed away in March, 1986 and John in February, 1993. The research centre was opened October 1,1994. The Marsh Collection includes photographs, books, documents, postcards, artifacts and other items relating to the Town ofAmherstburg, the Lower Detroit River district and the Great Lakes. The collection also contains genealogical materials and reference books. Donations ofrelevant items are accepted. Alarge part ofthe Marsh CoUection is books, files and photographs relating to the marine history ofAmherstburg and the Great Lakes system. These items form the nucleus of a future marine museum. The Amherstburg Echo and Bowes Publishing Ltd. have graciously allowed us to reprint the "Marine News" columns and other relevant articles which appeared regularly in the newspaper from its first issue in November, 1874. The Echo is still in publication today, havmg operated continuously for 124 years, and occupies the building constructed for the Echo in 1915. Echo Soundings wUl be pubUshed quarterly by the Marsh Collection Society in the hope that residents ofAmherstburg and other Great Lakes communities will read about and enjoy the rich marine history of their town.