Champion. The American life-saving crewsat the various lakestations have been ordered to duly on April 16th. The steamer Hiawatha of the Samia line will ply between Chatham and Windsor the coming season. ThetugBob Hackett hasreceived a newwheel, sbc and a halffeet in diameter. She is also receiving a new rudder. Capt. Wm. Firby will command the Ariel this season and Capt. Shanks will command the ferry steamer Sappho. The steamerAlasica began miming to Sandusky on Wednesday. For a time she will leave Detroit on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The lighthouse supply steamer Haze commenced to place the buoys in the lower lakeson Wednesday. The steamerDahlia, which will be employed in the same work in the upper lakes, will not start out before May 1st. Capt Mitchell oftheGrand Trunktransfer boatSaginawhasbeenappointed captain of the ferry Great Western in the placeof Capt.Eldred. Capt. Chas. Jenkins of Walkerville has beenappointed to takethe place of Capt. Mitchellon the Saginaw. A laketug named the Peter SmithofCleveland burst her boiler near Vermilion, O., on Sunday morning while takinga tow of bargesto Toledo. The pilot and first and second engineers were killed and three others were badly injured. Only oneescaped unhurt. The Grand Trank transfer ferry Great Western was libelled at Windsor Saturday evening by Deputy Marshal Campbell at the suit of Odette & Wherry, owners of the schoonerStevenson, which was mn down and sunk by the Great Western onthe night ofFebmary 19th. The .Jteveiisow was raised by the railroad company but not repaired. The firm claim $1500 damages to the Stevenson, $500 to the dock and $500 to the barge Corsican. Mr. Russell, superintendent ofthe Grand Tmnk car steamers, says that although the steamer had been tied up by Odette &Wherry for a few hours on Saturday night, the railroad company bonded her for the amount demanded by Odette & Wherry for damage done, and that the steamer was still miming. "I have not the least doubt," said Mr. Russell, "that the railway company would settle if the amount demanded for the damaged property was not as large as to be deemed unreasonable." April 11, 1884 Marine Examinations.-Masters and Mates Who Passed at Windsor.-The following applicants received certificates at the examinations for masters and mates,recently held at Windsor:- For the Great Lakes. Masters-John Craig, Washington Walker, Dresden; D. Webster, J.H. Glass (Hercules), Nicholas Stark, Martin Fleming, John W. Johnston, Robert Phelan, Charles Jenking, James R. limes, James B. Forest, James Boaz, Henry Jeffrey, Windsor; John j£_ r i i R1 ; IVER AND LAKE SHORE ROUTE FOR 1884. The Steamer "CITY OF DRESDEN," (John Weston, Master), PLYING BETWEEN Windsor, Amherstburg, Kingsville, Ruthven, Leamington and PELEE ISLAND. Leaves Windsor every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:00o'clocka.m., fortheLake Erie Shore, calling at Sandwich, Amherstburg, Colchester, Kingsville, Ruthven and Leaming ton. Returning, she will leave Leamington for Windsor, every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 7 a.m., calling at Ruthven, Kingsville, Canfield's, Colchester and Amherstburg, ar riving at Windsor at one o'clock p.m. PELEE ISLAND. The steamer makes trips to Pelee Island every MONDAY and WEDNESDAY. Returning will leave Pelee Island at 4 o'clock a.m. every Tuesday and Thursday. Free Stages run in connection with Boat for the accommodation of passengers. For passenger or freight rates, apply to any of the Agents on the route, or on board. All freight must be delivered at docks 15 minutes before starting time. AGENTS-J. & F. Hurley, Windsor; W. Hamilton, Amherstburg; Alex. Hackett, Col chester; Wm. J. Malott, Kingsville; Joseph Lamarsh, Leamington; W. McCormick, Pelee Island. ALEX. COWAN, Clerk. Advertisement in the Amherstburg Echo^ April 25,1884.