The crewconsists of N.J. Wigle, captain; Alex. Cowan, clerk; J. McCormick, mate; H.W. Dillon and John Booth, engineers; Chas. Smith, fireman; John Fields and Wm. Edwards, deck hands; and Mr. and Mrs. A. Young, stewards. There has been a regular exodus of our mariners this week, they having gone to the various lake ports to join theirboats for the season's navigation. Amongthose who have gone are Capt. C.C. Allen, J.F. Jones, L. Allen, W. Hammers, Alfred King, James Bellecoure and T. Gilboe of the Sheffield', Capt. D. Nicholson, W.S. Kolfage and Alex. Callam of the Jessie Farwell] Capt. D.J. Duncanson, J. Duncanson Jr. and Samuel Heard of the Spinner, Capt. B.C. Gatfield, James McGuire and Charles Honner of the Forest City, Capt. D. Girardin, F. Hackett, George Best,George Honnerand J.T. Smithof the R.J. Hackett, Geo. McCurdy and J.B. Southard of the Roswell P. Flower, Moses Kirtley of the Alpena] Wm. Keenan and John Horsley of the Rhodes', Eli Morin and Gordon Hackett of the Volunteer, Geo. Foster, Thomas Kirk, Luther Bush and George Brantford of the Atlantic. T. Cooper will sail this season on the Wilbur, Ed. Monroe on the Bacon', James Monroe on the Roanokc, Clayton Smith on the Prentiss', James Kirtley the S.E. Peck', Roman Smith the Gladstone', F.A. Jones the Sheldon', John H. Wright the Cambria', Anderson Veney the Sitka', L. Stevens the H. Chisholm; and Wm. Brantford Jr. the Eley. April 12, 1889 The Sault Canal locks were ready for business on the 10th April. The steam barge Juno is now running between Windsor and Amherstburg. The main line of the Welland Canal will be open on April 16th and the old canal branch on May 1st for the season. Dunbar's tug with a new drill arrived here Sunday from Toledo. The drill was taken to Detroit to have a new boiler and machinery put in her. Lake Erie is reported to be lower than it has been for many years, and at Port Stanley it would be difficult for any vessel of ordinary draught to enter. The Chicago tug RiverQueen arrived at Cheboygan Thursdayof last weekfrom Scammon's Cove, near Detour, and is the first boat to make the Straits. Capt. Thos. Harbottle arrived at Windsor on Thursday of last week on his annual tour of inspection of steamboats. The steamer United Lumbermen left for the Georgian Bayjust an hourprevious to the captain's arrival. Almost allofourmariners have taken their departure for the summer, and those few who still tarty with us will very shortlyjoin their boats. Among those who have 10 r n r r p-li' I'll-, ri(U.| db Iu1 [Uji IU J tUji 1 |vll^ left during the past week are Thomas Cooper and Albert Meloche ofthe Wilbur and J. Green of the Martin. The John P. Clark estate has sold its interest in the steamers Alaska and Gazelle to Alice S. Clark, Florence C. Ashley, Alice E. Atchesonand Ashley & Dunstin. The Alaska will start in a few days on her old route - Detroit, Put-in-Bay and Sandusky - incharge ofCapt. A.J. Fox. The Gazelle will go on the route from Put in-Bay to Toledo as soon as business opens, in charge ofCapt. Joseph Alband. April 19, 1889 The tug Onaping, now in the care of Marshal J.A.H. Campbell, will be sold shortly. There is a mortgage in itof$15,000, held by John Charlton, M.P. The steamer Louise has beennotified that the Lakeside is nowrunning between Sandusky and Kingsville and that the Lakeside would like her company at any favorable opportunity. The Samia, Wallaceburg and Dresden Line of steamers is non est. It has been decided not to run the J.C. Clark on that route this year and, if not sold, the owners will likelyput her in some other service. TheLakeside is already showing improved speedunder her two very efficient engineers. The run down from Windsor to Amherstburg on Monday oflast week was 25 minutes better than the Dresden's time; from Leamington to Pelee Island same day, some 35 minutes less than the last-named boat's time. Horace Elmer, commander United States Navy, issues the following: "The depth ofwater across Grosse Point Flats, Lake St. Clair, is at present about one foot less than at the opening ofnavigation last year, where there were sixteen feet full, there are now scant fifteen feet. This low state of water may be temporary, but should be taken into account byvessels loading at the present time." Capt. S.B. Grummond has two wrecking tugs already in commission. The Leviathan is stationed at Cheboygan under command of Capt. Mart Swain and will be held there all summer, ready to assist vessels that may come to grief in the neighbourhood ofMackinac. The tug Swain is at Detroit with steam up and all ready for business. She is commanded by Capt. Ed. Tormey. The other tugs belonging to Capt. Grummond's fleet are being put inreadiness for service. Joseph Duncanson left Wednesday for Toronto, where he will ship as mate of the steam barge Erin. James Naul and Gordon Naul of the Grover and Lewis Sharp of the tug Roy have joined their boats for the season. 11