February 28, 1902 WHENTHEYSAH..-Steamship Lines Are BookingDates for Excursions.- The managers ofthe different excursion boats are looking forward to abig season next summer and dates are rapidly being taken. Tashmoo Park and Bois Blanc IsMd are the most popular and the dates for both these resorts are filling up very The Tashmoo will start her season on June 10, but the City ofToledo will start the aftemoon run as soon as the ice will permit. The Toledo will be on the afl^oon run all summer. The Idlewildwill open the Toledo end ofthe line as soon as the ice is out ofAe nver and will continue on the run until the completion ofthe new Greyhound, about June 1. The D.B.L&W.^ FenyCo.'s new boat will be placed on the Bois Blanc nm nn June 12, while the Belle Isle boats will start about May 20 TheFrankF fCir-h iibe p„. on the Put in-Bay-Sandusky run about downnver route aboutthe 1stof June ^ rette™ States, the new palaces ofthe Detroit&Buffalo line, will bt madb'to March 7, 1902 Captain David Girardin is at Fairport, O. eettine nnt tv,« Brown. ' ^ steamer Harvey March 14,1902 added to its fleet during tL^pTt'̂ ek by pw^^^ spirit, barges and two barges for use in the ore trade between Mich" -^^^can steamports. The four large vessels, Theanl M/fe^ Lake Erie were brou^t fiom England ™Mch manned with Canadian crews the English Llnrc u repairs and will be close ofthe last navigation season. all been discharged at the 'Detroit, BeUe Isle &Windsor I I I i I I } I F I 'in i Capt. La France of Toronto will take charge of the new Clergue passenger vessel KingEdward, which will ply during the approaching season between Toledo andSaultSte.Marie. Othernewly appointed officers of thisboat areAngus Carss, purser; Sam Fitzgerald, steward; and Sam Beatty, engineer. Capt. T.C. Patterson ofBuffalo cameWednesdaynight to take charge ofthe tug Albany. Everyone was pleased to see Tom's smiling face again. Capt. F.B. Hackett has purchased the tug Florence firom the Sincennes McNaughton Co., Limited, Montreal, and as soon asthe St. Lawrence River breaks up she will bebrought here towork inconnection with the Home Rule atthe Port ofAmherstburg and Lime-Kiln Crossing. Herlength is 100 feet overall, beam 20 feet, depth ofhold 14 feet; engines, fore and afl, compound with Scotch boilers. She was formerly used onthe coast asa sea wrecking tug. She isnow at the Port ofSorel, Quebec, and will befitted out there. Captain Hackett has maintained a tug at this port for the past 30 years and he isnot bringing this crafl here tobuck the trust, butsimply tohelp the Rule out. Captain Howard Hackett will command her, while Capt. Frank will still turn the trick with the Home Rule. The maintaining of these boats at this port brings a great deal of money here, which is distributed among the laboring class. None orvery little ofthis moneywould come here inthe natural avenue of tradeandthemaintenance of awrecking outfithere is all themore advantageous on that account. Besides, no one can estimate the amount ofmoney that has been saved to the [rest of article is missing.] March 21, 1902 The light on Bois Blanc Island was lighted for the first time this season on Wednesday night, March 19th. This isearlier than usual. The range lights are also displayed. The steamer Imperial is being gotten into shape atWalkerville and will beon herroute between Amherstburg and Windsor bythe first ofnextmonth. On Wednesday last the ferry steamerExcelsior came down firom Detroit with the following party onboard:-Capt. W.E. Campbell, president ofD.B.I. &W. Ferry Co.' E.G. Swift, mayor of Walkerville; J.G. Mullen, ex-mayor of Amherstburg; Norvell Mullen; Capt. Geo. D. Hom, master; Geo. L.Hom; L.C. Fink; Jas. Wilkin; G.W. Mutler; J. MacDonald; J.W. Touge; J.S. Simonds; and F.J. Mason, the hustling excursion agent ofthe Ferry Co. They visited Bois Blanc Park and were greatly pleased with the whole layout and pronounced itthe finest picnic grounds on fi-esh water.