The change ofwind Sunday evening has completely cleared the end ofLake Erie at Colchester. Nothing but shore ice is to be seen and it is gradually working east. Navigation can now be considered open through the passage. The D. &C. steamer CityofDetroitmade her first trip jfromDetroit to Cleveland on Tuesday and httle ice was encountered. Next Monday the City of Cleveland will go into commission, thus estabhshing adaily service between Detroit and Cleveland Not smce 1889 when aD. &C. boat got through on March 1has the D. &Copened navigation on the Detroit and Cleveland route at so early adate as this season. March 28, 1902 ^odcWldBros, made atrip to Detroit Mondaywith their yacht, the Nellie H.and brou^t b^kal^ge cargo ofgeneral merchandise for merchants ofthis town' About 300 people guessed the name "Columbiaf which has been selected for The D.B.I.&W. Ferry Company is sending asingle round-trip pass to Boi^ CotaL steamerGeorge King has sold the steamer Newsboy to afirm at West Superior, (SatSy)m"fifo"S"^™ opened theseason Shemmgo The dredge Ontario, in tow ofthe tue Sir Tnhn «ria,vi, • expected here today or tomorrow to commence work onTi h K^^ improvements. be harbor dredging flte sSif «»' =-1 as mate on April 4, 1902 ofth^^iS.®'"""^""^ morning, being the first The/fo/Mei?M/e isback firom Detroit rt^naiVo i, i. •is cod^ »d primed re^y for anything that maycomS^tarThe followmg local men left this week to sail with Capt.Vtton on the str. 8 Yosemite: Walter Girardin, John Pouget, Walter Gibb, I. McKirmey, Thos. Boyle and Ledson Mickle. The captain left Wednesday. The steamer Imperial will be down today (Friday) and will go to Pelee Island Saturday and start on her regular trips Monday, leaving here at 8 o'clock in the morning for Windsor. Capt. Howard Hackett, Lewis Matthews, engineer, and Sam Parker have gone to Sorel, Que., to bring up Capt. Hackett's wrecking tug Florence. The sailor boys are making tracks for their summer operations. Among those who departed this week were:-J.J. Brown, Capt. D. Girardin Jr., James Clark, Gus. Deneau, G. Bellecoure, Alphonse Cote, Walter Lawler, L. Bertrand, W. Finlay, R. Thomas, McDowell boys, Wm. Brantford, D. Thomas and P. Stokes. April 11, 1902 The steamer Imperial of the Windsor, Amherstburg, Leamington and Pelee Island route arrived down from Windsor Friday last, but, contrary to their annoimcement, made the first trip to Windsor Saturday, Pelee Sunday and commenced running regularly Monday. Spring time card appears in this issue. A valuable fleet and cargo, the str. Rappahannock, towing the barges Pretoria and Matanzas, drawing 17 feet 11 inches of water, passed over the Lime-Kiln Crossingand out into LakeErie at 5:30 p.m.Wednesdayeveningand never touched a pebble. CaptainDavidson,who owns this fleet, engagedCaptainHackettwith the Home Rule to assist them over the crossing, knowing Capt. Frank's life-long experience with a tug at this port and Lime-Kiln Crossing gives him a thorough knowledgeofthe dangerous spots in this vicinity [and] has saved the vessel owners and imderwriters mints of money to those engaging him. The three cargoes contained about five hundred thousand bushels of wheat valued at 80 cents per bushel and 3 cents per bushel freight on same. The three boats were valued at six hundred thousand dollars. This fleet is chartered to the Algoma Central S.S. Company andwill be operated between [restofarticleis missing]. There will be some delay in getting out the Bar Point lightship this year, the vessel now being up high and dry on the ways at Oades' shipyard, where she is undergoing repairs. The lightship, althoughbuilt only seven or eight years ago at Toledo, is said to be in poor state ofpreservation. The following fake item is taken from the Detroit Afews:-"The steamer Sailor Boy has changed hands, passing to Capt. David West and a syndicate of Pelee Islanders headed by A.M. McCormick. The price paid is $5000 and Capt. West