James Playfair (on page 4 of this issue). James Playfair became involved with lumbering at Sturgeon Bay (near Victoria Harbour) in 1883, but he wasn't involved with D.L. White jr. until a later date. Mr. White didn't get to Midland until 1886 and even then D.L. White was treasurer of the Emery Lumber Co. of Saginaw, Michigan. The Emery Co. had been logging on the north shore of Georgian Bay, near Sudbury and shipping their logs to the Michigan side, but a change in the tariff on Canadian logs going into Michigan in 1886 made it cheaper to manufacture the lumber on the Canadian Side and the firm contracted with Andrew Miscampbell's mill to do their sawing. The Emery Lumber Co. was owned by the Saginaw Lumber & Salt Co. of Saginaw with the officers of the firm being the same Saginaw businessmen involved with both firms. The Emery Lumber Co. purchased the Miscampbell mill in 1890, but abandoned it in 1891 when sawing was resumed on the Michigan side. Later when the Michigan firm sold the mill to James Playfair, D.L. White jr. became a partner in the new firm.
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James Playfair (on page 4 of this issue). James Playfair became involved with lumbering at Sturgeon Bay (near Victoria Harbour) in 1883, but he wasn't involved with D.L. White jr. until a later date. Mr. White didn't get to Midland until 1886 and even then D.L. White was treasurer of the Emery Lumber Co. of Saginaw, Michigan. The Emery Co. had been logging on the north shore of Georgian Bay, near Sudbury and shipping their logs to the Michigan side, but a change in the tariff on Canadian logs going into Michigan in 1886 made it cheaper to manufacture the lumber on the Canadian Side and the firm contracted with Andrew Miscampbell's mill to do their sawing. The Emery Lumber Co. was owned by the Saginaw Lumber & Salt Co. of Saginaw with the officers of the firm being the same Saginaw businessmen involved with both firms. The Emery Lumber Co. purchased the Miscampbell mill in 1890, but abandoned it in 1891 when sawing was resumed on the Michigan side. Later when the Michigan firm sold the mill to James Playfair, D.L. White jr. became a partner in the new firm.
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